European Commission

2001 – 2003:   CyberCars – Cybernetic Technologies for the Car in the New City. Principal Investigators: Y. Zvirin, Y. Shiftan, S. Bekhor.

2001 – 2003:   CyberMove – Cybernetic Transportation Systems for the City of Tomorrow. Principal Investigators: Y. Zvirin, Y. Shiftan, S. Bekhor.

2006 – 2008:   CityMobil – Towards Advanced Transport for the Urban Environment.  Principal Investigators: Y. Zvirin, Y. Shiftan, J. Prashker, S. Bekhor.

2013 – 2016:   2MOVE2 – New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility.  Principal Investigators: D. Mahalel, S. Bekhor, A. Galtzur.

2013 – 2016:   SOLUTIONS – Sharing Opportunities for Low Carbon Urban Transportation. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, A. Galtzur.

2016 – 2017:   PETRA – Personal Transport Advisor. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, A. Galtzur


Israel Science Foundation

2004 – 2005:   Framing the impact of Information Communication Technologies on travel behavior and social changes. Principal Investigators: Y. Shiftan, S. Bekhor.

2008 – 2011:   Investigation of the combined problem of parking place search and route choice. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.

2013 – 2016:    Investigation of long-distance travel patterns in Israel.  Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

2017 – 2019:   Public transport network planning that considers new information and communication technologies. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.


Israel Ministry of Science and Technology

2014 – 2016:   Managing social, geospatial and transportation data to effectively evacuate and aid earthquake survivors.. Principal Investigators: Y. Kanza, S. Bekhor, Y. Doytsher.

2015 – 2017:   Integration of behavioral transportation models in a disaster management system. Granting Agency: Ministry of Science. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.

2018 – 2020: Pattern-Based Transit (PBT):  a novel transport service. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, A. Galtzur, S. Manor.


Israel Ministry of Transport

2015 – 2016:   Assessing the efficiency of the penalty point system in Israel. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2016 – 2017:   Development of a process to calibrate dynamic traffic assignment model based on floating car data. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.

2016 – 2017:   GIS tool to analyze transportation data that integrates datasets from infrastructure, travel speeds, road crashes, and driver events. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.

2016 – 2017:   Feasibility study of a transportation system based on electric infrastructure. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, L. Tartakovsky.

2017 – 2018:   Measuring the effectiveness of public transportation on Municipal basis. Principal Investigators: Y. Shiftan, S. Bekhor.

2017 – 2018:   Examining the feasibility of electric propulsion in the urban public transportation. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, Y. Shiftan.

2017 – 2018:   Monitoring a trial of integrating motorcycles in bus lanes in Tel-Aviv – phase 2. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2017 – 2019:   An optimization system for reducing congestion and air pollution generated from truck traffic in Haifa bay. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.


Henry Ford II Foundation

2002 – 2003:   Design of a CyberCars transportation system for the Technion Campus. Principal Investigators: Y. Zvirin, S. Bekhor.

2004 – 2005:   Model Development to Evaluate the Potential of Improved Rail Service to Attract Car Users in Israel. Principal Investigators: Y. Shiftan, S. Bekhor.

2005 – 2006:   Analyzing Public Transport Route-Choice Behavior Using Combined Data from GPS and GIS. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, S. Filin.

2005 – 2007:   Sustainable Urban Development: The Relationship between Transport, Land Use and Air Pollution. Principal Investigators: D. Shefer, S. Bekhor.

2008 – 2009:   Investigation of Travel Habits using Cellular Phone Data. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

2009 – 2010:    A Model to Determine the Optimal Noise Level in an Urban Road System. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.


Road Safety Projects

2005 – 2006:   Explanatory Research by Means of Data Mining for Investigating Relationships among Infrastructure, Drivers and Offences Characteristics. Granting Agency: Ran Naor Foundation. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, D. Mahalel.

2009 – 2010:    Road-safety programs in ten world’s leading countries and their effectiveness. Granting Agency: Israel Road Safety Authority and Insurance Union Fund.  Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, V. Gitelman.

2009 – 2011:    Examination of Impact of Safety Interventions on Fatality and Casualty Numbers in Road Accidents in Israel: a Feasibility Study. Granting Agency: Ran Naor Foundation. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2009 – 2011:    Development of Statistical Tools for Estimating the Numbers of Serious Road Accident Casualties in Israel. Granting Agency: Ran Naor Foundation (398,200 NIS). Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, V. Gitelman.

2010 – 2012:   Overview of e-safety systems and their safety aspects. Granting Agency: Israel Road Safety Authority. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, Y. Abramson.

2011 – 2012:   Air Traffic Control Systems and Modeling – Literature Review. Granting Agency: Civil Aviation Authority. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

2011 – 2013:   Examination of characteristics and factors for bicycle riders’ injury in road accidents in Israel. Granting Agency: Israel Road Safety Authority. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2011 – 2013:   Development of infrastructure measures to improve elderly pedestrian safety in towns. Granting Agency: Israel Road Safety Authority. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2012– 2013:    Examination of relationship between driving events identified by advanced technologies and road infrastructure characteristics. Granting Agency: Netivey Israel. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2012 – 2014:   Examination of the safety potential of selected e-safety systems. Granting Agency: Israel Road Safety Authority. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor.

2012 – 2013:   Investigation of drivers’ preferences and opinions about the use of Intelligent Speed Adaptation Systems. Granting Agency: Ran Naor Foundation. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

2012 – 2013:   Examining the relationship between road safety and speed at the national level. Granting Agency: Or Yarok. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

2013 – 2014:   Examining the relationship between road crashes and traffic speed. Granting Agency: Or Yarok. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor, T. Toledo.

2013 – 2014:   Mapping of recommended speed camera locations. Granting Agency: Or Yarok. Principal Investigators: S. Bekhor.

2014 – 2016:   An improvement of models and decision tools in the Safety Management System of Netivey Israel. Granting Agency: Netivey Israel. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2014 – 2016:   Monitoring a trial of integrating motorcycles in bus lanes in Tel-Aviv. Granting Agency: Netivey Ayalon. Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2015 – 2016:   Research on road safety with BRT traffic. Granting Agency: Yefe Nof . Principal Investigators: V. Gitelman, S. Bekhor.

2015 – 2017:   Road safety monitoring and analysis based on Geographical Information Systems. Granting Agency:  Or Yarok. Principal Investigator: S. Bekhor.

Research Interests

My research interests include route choice modeling, large-scale equilibrium models, and innovative transport systems. I have extensive experience in transportation master plans, economic evaluations, and traffic and transit assignments. I have particular interest in the following topics:

  • Route choice set generation methods
  • Network equilibrium formulations and algorithms
  • Data mining applications in transportation

My main research achievement is the development of route choice models that can be implemented in traffic assignment models, in particular stochastic user equilibrium models. The route choice model is a complex problem, which involves both understanding of choice generation methods and discrete choice modeling. Another line of research is the development of path-based algorithms for the solution of the stochastic user equilibrium problem. I am particularly interested in methods that are suitable to solve large-scale network problems. Most of my current research is related to solve large-scale optimization problems, such as optimal allocation of transportation projects. I have worked in the past few years in several research projects related to road safety. In these projects my contribution is related to development of data mining methods and implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technologies in road safety. I was one of the first researchers that investigated the application of cellular phones for transportation applications.

Future Research

The advance of autonomous systems in transportation poses a challenge for both researchers and practitioners. This is because of additional of transport modes such as car (or ride) sharing, and the possibility to plan the overall transport system in a more efficient and sustainable way. Examples of such challenges are the formulation of new equilibrium models, which will take into account that a certain share of vehicles will be autonomous. To date, the existing models can account for a simple traffic mix. In the case of autonomous driving, it would be possible to “detour” cars, or even stall some of them, in order to improve the overall traffic and passenger flows. Another example is related to better planning and operations of public transport services. The possibility of communication between vehicles and infrastructure can be explored by providing priority to public transport when it is needed, and not static as is in existing systems. An important topic related to ITS is the development of models and methods to address emergency, evacuation and rescue situations.