• Energy in Buildings
  • Air Pollution
  • Renewable Energy Sources

Selected Publications

  1. Hassid, S. & Poreh, M. ‘A turbulent energy model for flows with drag reduction’, Trans.ASME, J. Fluids Eng., 97, 224-230 (1975).
  2. Poreh, M.  & Hassid,  S.   ‘Mean  velocity  and turbulent  energy  closures  for flows with drag reduction’,  Physics  of  Fluids,  20,  S193-196 (1977).
  3. Hassid, S. & Poreh, M. ‘A turbulent energy – dissipation model for flows with drag  reduction’, Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Eng., 100, 107-112 (1977).
  4. Hassid, S. ‘Similarity and decay laws of momentumless wakes’, Physics of Fluids, 23,  404-405 (1980).
  5. Hassid, S. ‘A Reynolds stress model for flows with drag reduction’, Trans. ASME, J. Fluid  Eng.,101,159-165 (1979).
  6. Hassid, S. ‘Collapse of turbulent wakes in stably stratified media’, J. Hydronautics, 14, 25-32 (1980).
  7. Hassid, S. ‘An asymptotic method for calculating the transient thermal behaviour of buildings:  the case of buildings with two-layer walls’  Buildings & Energy, 4, 231-238  (1982).
  8.  Poreh, M. & Hassid, S., ‘Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind Induced Ventilation’. Wind Tunnel Modeling  for Civil Engineering, T.A. Reinhold (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, 558-566 (1982).
  9. Hassid, S. ‘Turbulent Schmidt Number for Diffusion  Models in the Neutral Boundary  Layer’, Atmospheric Environment, 17, 523-527 (1983).
  10. Hassid, S. & Galperin, B. ‘A Turbulent Energy  Model for Geophysical Flows’, Boundary Layer  Meteorology, 26, 397-412 (1983).
  11. Hassid, S & Galperin, B. ‘A Turbulent Energy Model  for Diffusion in the Convective Boundary Layer’ Atmospheric Environment, 11, 1081-1089 (1984).
  12. Hassid, S. & Galperin, B. ‘The Development of the Internal Boundary Layer in a Stably Stratified Medium’ Israel J. of Technology, 21, 214-220 (1983).
  13.  Hassid, S. ‘A semi-Lagrangean Formulation for Diffusion from Ground-Level Sources in the Neutral Boundary Layer’, Atmospheric Environment, 18, 2037-2040 (1984).
  14. Hassid, S. ‘Passive Solar Popular Apartments in Israel: An Evaluation Using a Simple Linear Model’ Buildings and Energy, 7, 353-361 (1984).
  15. Hassid, S. ‘A Linear Model for Passive Solar Calculations: Evaluation of Performance’.  Building and  Environment, 20, 53-59 (1985).
  16. Galperin, B. & Hassid, S. ‘A Modified Turbulent Energy Model for Geophysical Flows: Influence of Wall Proximity’. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 35, 156-165    (1986).
  17. Hassid, S. ‘A First Order Model for Passive Solar Evaluation’.  Solar Energy, 37, 165-174 (1986).
  18. Galperin, B. & Hassid, S. ‘A Two-Layer Model for the Barotropic Stationary Turbulent Boundary Layer’  Israel J. of Technology, 22, 233-242 (1984/5).
  19. Hassid, S.  ‘A  semi-Lagrangean  Formulation  for Diffusion  for  Diffusion in Stable and Unstable Boundary Layers’.  J. of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 26,  391-402 (1987).
  20.  Hassid, S., Oron, A.  & Gutfinger, Ch. ‘An Asymptotic Description of Electrostatic Precipitation of Charged Particles in Turbulent Flow’.  Journal of Aerosol Science, 18, 357-367 (1987).
  21. Wegner, D., Hassid, S. and Poreh, M. ‘Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Passive Solar Apartments in Israel Using Small Scaled  Physical Models’. Buildings and  Energy, 11, 301-308 (1988).
  22.  Galperin, B. , Kantha, L., Hassid, S., & Rosati, A.’ A Semi-Equilibrium Formulation for the Turbulent Energy Model for Geophysical Flows’. J. of Atmospheric Sciences, 42, 55-62 (1988).
  23.  Oron, A., Gutfinger, C. and Hassid, S.  ‘Turbulent Deposition of Charged Particles under the Influence of an External Electric Field’. J. of Colloid and Interface Science,   121, 531-542 (1988).
  24.  Chai, A., Hassid, S.,  Kit,  E.  and  Tsinober,  A.: A Study of a Two-Layer Stratified Flow in an Annulus: Experiment  and  Model.  Physico –  Chemical   Hydrodynamics, 10, 561-578 (1988).
  25.  Hassid, S. ‘Thermal Bridges in Homogeneous Walls; A Simplified Approach’. Building and Environment, 24, pp. 259-264 (1989).
  26. Hassid, S. ‘Thermal Bridges in Multilayer Walls: An Integral  Approach’. Building and  Environment, 25, 143-150 (1990).
  27. Hassid, S,  Kit, E. and  Mazor, E. ‘Turbulent Flow Generated in an Annulus by a Rotating Screen’. Acta Mechanica, 86, No. 1-4, p.167-177.  (1991).
  28. Hassid, S. and Galperin, B. ‘Modeling Rotating Flows with Neutral and Unstable Stratification’. J. of Geophysical Research, 99, 12533-12548, (1994).
  29.  Hassid S. and Mamane Y. ‘Using atmospheric dispersion as a tool in environmental impact statements: the Israeli experience’ International J. of Pollution and Environment 14, 461-468 (2000).
  30.  Hassid S., Santamouris M., Papanikolaou N., Linardi A., Klitsikas N., Georgakis C. and Assimakopoulos D.N. ‘The effect of the Athens heat island on air conditioning load’. Buildings and Energy. 32, 131-141 (2000).
  31.  Hassid, S. ‘The Effusivity Model for Multi-Layer Walls’. International J. Solar Energy, 22, 1-8(2002)
  32. Hassid S. Multilayer conduction heat transfer involving an infinite medium.  Energy and Buildings, 34, 267-272 (2002).
  33. Hassid S. On the Gravitational Terms of the k-e and Other Turbulent Flow Models., Ocean Dynamics, Vol.52,pp. 169-178, (2002).
  34.  Hassid, S. & Galperin B. A Comment on the Cheng, Canuto and Howard ‘An improved model for the Turbulent PBL’.  Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.61,1197-1198 (2004)
  35. Regev A., Hassid S. and Poreh M. Density Jumps in Smoke Flow along Horizontal Ceilings.  Fire Research Journal, 39,465-479 (2004)
  36. Niachou K., Hassid, S., Santamouris M.  and Livada I. Comparative Monitoring of Natural, Hybrid and Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Urban Canyons. Buildings and Energy 37, 503-513 (2005).
  37. Regev A., Hassid S. and Poreh M. Calculation of Entrainment in Density Jumps. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 6, 407-424 (2006)
  38. Hassid S., Regev A. and Poreh M. Turbulent Energy Dissipation in Density Jumps. J. Fluid Mech. 572 1-12, (2007).
  39.  Niachou K., Hassid S. , Santamouris M. and Livada I. Experimental Performance Investigation of Natural, Mechanical and Hybrid Ventilation in the Urban Environment. In Press, Building and Environment (available on-line 5 April 2007).
  40.  Regev A. and Hassid S. On the Streamwise Extent of Density Jumps Accepted, Accepted, Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME


Participation in Books

  1.    D. Dvoskin, &  Granot, N.(Editors) (1989)  ‘Energy Conservation Guide for Residential Buildings in Israel’  (In Hebrew).  Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of Israel and HESHEV.
  2.    Poreh, M.,,  Hassid, S.,  Even-Or, D. Wegner, D.  and Bacio,S. (1989) ‘Principles and Design Rules for Passive Solar Energy Residential Buildings in Israel’.  (In Hebrew) Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of Israel. Awarded the Dori Price by Haifa Municipality in 1990.
  3.    Santamouris, M., Geros, V., Pavlou, K. and Hassid, S. (1997) ‘Rehabilitation of existing air-conditioned buildings’. CIENE Editions, Univ. of Athens.
  4.    Hassid S. ‘Passive cooling : State of the Art’ in Mat. Santamouris (Ed) ‘Solar Thermal      Technologies for Buildings: State of the Art and Future Priorities’. James & James, London, 192-200 (2003)



  • BAMA ( Binianim Meshamre Energia – Energy Conserving Buildings) project between 1981 and 1989 with budget of the order of 150,000 Shekel each year, funded by the Ministry of Energy (later Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure) of Israel – with Prof. Poreh and Dr. Dan Even-Or.
  • Infiltration in Israeli Buildings – with a budget of 100,000 NIS – funded by Ministry of Energy 1995-1996. Together with Prof. Poreh.
  • Energy Consumption in Air Conditioned Israeli Buildings (Residential, Office and Commercial) funded by Ministry of energy and Infrastructure. 3 years with a budget approximately 100,000 NIS each. 1991-1994
  • Development of a model for energy consumption in Israeli Buildings (together with Dr. Patchiuk) Three years with 150,000 NIS each year – ended in 2007.
  • Energy Towers – CFD Simulation between 1997 and 2008 – part of the Energy Towers Project of D. Zaslavsky and R. Guetta. Funded by Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of Israel – with budget 200,000 since 1997 (continuing)
  • Mediterranean Atmospheric Mercury Cycle Project , together with Prof. Mamane Yakov. Funded by the GD XII (Science, R&D) of EU.
  • RESHYVENT – European Project on Hybrid Ventilation in Buildings in the Urban Environment – involving experiments in Athens and their analysis. 1998-2001 Budget approx. 200,000 Eu for 3 years.
  • Turbulent Flows in Stratified Media – together with Prof. Sukoriansky of BGU – funded by the Israel Science Foundation between 2003 and 2007 with 22,000 (average) each year. 2003-2007

Graduate Students

  1. Galperin Boris: ‘Simulation of Flow and Transport Processes in the Lower Atmosphere and the Marine Boundary Layer’. D.Sc. awarded in June 1982.
  2. Rubinchik Irena: ‘Dynamic Thermal Behaviour of Solar Apartments’. M.Sc. awarded in June 1985.
  3. Wegner Daniel: ‘Simulation of Thermal Performance of Solar Israeli Apartments through Scaled Models’. M.Sc. awarded in December 1985.
  4. Oron Alexander (together with Prof. Chaim Gutfinger): ‘Turbulent Deposition of Solid Particles with and without Electric Field.  PhD awarded, December 1986.
  5. Wegner Daniel: ‘Analysis of Thermal Performance of Buildings during the Summer’. PhD awarded, February 1990.
  6. Chudak Daniel: (together with Arch. H. Tibon from the Faculty of Architecture). ‘Light walls in Israeli Homes’. M.Sc. awarded, May 1989
  7. Maor, Yitzhak:  (M.Sc. Student) Air-Conditioned popular Israeli apartments. Completed, July 1991
  8. Ben-David Meir:  (M.Sc. Student) Thermal bridges in construction: simplified algorithm. Completed, April 1992.
  9. Tal Amir (M.Sc. Student, together with Prof. M. Poreh) Natural Ventilation of Automobiles. Completed, June 1992.
  10. Etner Sharon (MSc Student together with Prof. Y. Mamane) Analysis of Air Pollution Episodes in Ashdod as a Function of Meteorological Conditions. Feb. 1996..
  11. Levinski, E.B. (M.Sc. Student). Combined Conductive, Convective and Radiative Heat Transfer in Buildings. Completed, Jan. 1997.
  12. Ivnitsky, Hanan (M.Sc. Student). Comparison of Indoor Air Quality Models. Completed, Nov. 1996.
  13. Regev, A. (M.Sc. Student with Prof. M. Poreh) Simulation of smoke movement. Completed, June 2001.
  14. Gurevich Tatiana (M.Sc. Student with Prof. M. Poreh) Smoke control using pressurization in staircases in high rise buildings. Completed, June 2001.
  15. Regev A. (DSc Student). Density jump in smoke flow. Passed Final Examination, December 2005.
  16. Merksamer Itshak (DSc Student). Environmental Aspects of Energy Towers. Passed Candidacy Examination, Nov. 2007.