
Yehuda Agnon

, Emer. Prof.
Professor Emeritus

Water Waves

Renewable Energy

Thermoacoustic Engines – Heat engines with no moving parts

Natural Gas Liquefaction

Acoustic generator – Conversion to electricity

Dry Power – Energy from evaporation of water

Sustsinable Development


B.Sc., Physics and Mathematics, with distinction, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1979.

M.Sc. Mathematics, with distinction, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1980.

Sc.D., Civil Engineering (Hydrodynamics and Oceanographic Engineering),

M.I.T. / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Joint Program, 1986.



Professor, Division of Water Environmental and Agricultural Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion, 2009.
Visiting Professor, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 2001-2002
Visiting Professor, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 1999
Invited Visiting Scientist, International Centre of Computational Hydrodynamics, Denmark, 1996-1997.
Visiting Scientist, National University of Singapore, 1989, 1992.
Applied Mathematics Instructor, and Post-Doctoral Investigator in Physical Oceanography,
M.I.T., 1986-1988.
Guest Investigator and Instructor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-1988.
Invited Guest researcher, International Centre for Computational Hydrodynamics (ICCH), Denmark, 1996-1997.



M.I.T.: Calculus, Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I, Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II Waves in Fluids; 1986-1988.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists; 1987-1988.
Technion: Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Methods for Engineers, Waves in Fluids, Oceanographic Engineering; Since 1988.



Director, Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute (CAMERI), 1993.
Director, Hydraulic Laboratory, 1994.
Graduate studies committee in Applied Mathematics – since 1989.
Chairman of committee on graduate studies in Oceanographic Sciences and Engineering -1994.
Steering committee of Sci-Tech Youth Camp – 1995.
Chairman of Graduate Studies and Research, Division of Water, Environmental and Agricultural Engineering –2003-2008.
Chair Judge, Technion students’ disciplinary court – since 2003.
Chairman, Gilbert Laboratory of Water Quality and Water Treatment, Grand Water Research Institute – since 2003.
Chairman – Interdepartmental graduate studies committee in Energy and the Environment – since 2007.
Chairman, Scholarship and Awards committee, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1996.

  1. Bingham, H.B. and Y. Agnon, 2005. A fully dispersive Fourier-Boussinesq method for nonlinear surface waves. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 24(2), 255-274.
  2. Bredmose, H., Y. Agnon, P. A. Madsen and H. A. Schaffer 2005. Wave transformation models with exact second-order transfer. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 24(6), 659-682.
  3. Belinsky, M., H. Rubin, Y. Agnon, E. Kit and J. F. Atkinson 2005. Characteristics of resuspension, settling and diffusion of particulate matter in a water column. Environmental Fluid Mech., 5(5), 415 – 441.
  4. Agnon, Y. and Y. M. Stokes, 2005. An inverse modelling technique for glass forming by gravity sagging. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 24(3), 275-287.
  5. Agnon, Y., A. V. Babanin, I. R. Young and D. Chalikov, 2005. Fine scale inhomogeneity of wind-wave energy input, skewness and asymmetry. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(12): Art. No. L12603.
  6. Zimmels, Y., S. Kojevnikova and Y. Agnon, 2005. Self-expansion patterns of charged particulates and ionic assemblies, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(24): Art. No. 244106.
  7. Drimer, N. and Y. Agnon, 2006. An improved low-order boundary element method for breaking surface waves. Wave Motion, 43(3), 241-258.
  8. Toledo, Y. and Y. Agnon, 2006. On uniformly accurate Boussinesq-type equations for water waves. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 50(8), 925-945.
  9. Zimmels Y., S. Kojevnikova and Y. Agnon, 2006. Structural evolution of self expanding arrays of charged particles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 296(2), 545-557.
  10. Rimmer, A., W. Eckert, A. Nishri and Y. Agnon, 2006. Evaluating hypolimnetic diffusion parameters in thermally stratified lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 51, 1906-1914.
  11. Levy, Y., Y. Agnon, and H. Azhari, 2006. Measurement of speed of sound dispersion in soft tissues using a double frequency continuous wave method. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 32(7), 1065-1071.
  12. Stiassnie, M., Y. Agnon and P.A.E.M. Janssen, 2007. Temporal and spatial growth of wind waves. J. Phys. Oceanog., 37(1), 106-114.
  13. Tsabary, G., and Y. Agnon, 2007. Wave scattering from a rough surface: Solution by an iterative method. Wave Motion, 44(7-8), 626-648.– was selected for review in Mathematical Reviews.
  14. Levy, Y., Y. Agnon, and H. Azhari, 2007. Ultrasonic speed of sound dispersion Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 33(5), 762-7.
  15. Broday, D. M. and Y. Agnon, 2007. Asymmetric Human Lung Morphology Induce Particle Deposition Variation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 38(7), 701-718.
  16. Zeisel, A., M. Stiassnie and Y. Agnon, 2008. Viscous effects on wave-generation by strong winds, J. Fluid Mech., 597, 343-369.
  17. Stiassnie, M., A. Regev and Y. Agnon, 2008. Recurrent solutions of Alber’s equation for random water-wave fields. J. Fluid Mech., 598, 245-266.
  18. Regev A., Y. Agnon and M. Stiassnie, 2008. Sea-Swell Interaction as a Mechanism for the Generation of Freak Waves, Physics of Fluids, 20(11), 112102-112102-8.



  1. Toledo, Y. and Y. Agnon, 2006. On uniformly accurate high order Boussinesq difference equations for water waves. WISE – Shallow water waves modelling workshop, Venice, Italy.
  2. Kojevnikova, S., Y. Zimmels, Y. Agnon, 2006. Collection Patterns of A Single Drop, and A Series of Drops, Falling Through Self-Expanding Arrays of Charged Particulates. International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST, Academy of Science), Houston, Texas, USA.
  3. Broday D. M. and Y. Agnon, 2006, The effect of the lung’s structural asymmetry on ventilation and particle deposition. International Aerosol Conference (IAC) St. Paul, Minnesota USA
  4. 8th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms and extreme events in an era of climate change – 2006, Dead Sea, Israel, Pre-nominated Session Chairperson.
  5. Rimmer A., W. Eckert, A. Nishri and Y. Agnon, 2006. Evaluating hypolimnetic diffusion parameters in thermally stratified lakes. IUGG 26th International Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG), Sea of Galilee, Israel.
  6. Agnon, Y., 2006. Spatio-Temporal Evolution Equations for Water Waves over Variable Bathymetry. James H. Belfer Memorial Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics, Haifa Israel Invited talk.
  7. Toledo Y. and Y., Agnon, 2008. On the complementary mild slope equation (CMSE) and its nonlinear extension. WISE – Shallow water waves modelling workshop, Helsinki, Finland.
  8. Regev A., Y. Agnon and M. Stiassnie, 2008. Sea-Swell Interaction as a Mechanism for the Generation of Freak Waves. WISE – Shallow water waves modelling workshop, Helsinki, Finland.
  9. Avni R., Y. Toledo, and Y. Agnon, Linear and nonlinear complementary mild slope equations, 2009. 24th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Russia.
  10. Kishcha, P., Nickovic, S., Luvchik, A., Agnon, Y., Alpert, P. Sea-salt aerosol forecast over the Mediterranean: comparisons with sea-salt and sea-wave measurements. 22nd ACCENT/GLOREAM workshop on tropospheric chemical transport modelling, Brescia, Italy, 26-27 November, 2009.





Israel Science Foundation (ISF): “Forecasting inhomogeneous ocean waves through nonlinear evolution equations”.
2004-2007 – $120,000
Agnon Y. and M. Stiassnie
US-Israel BSF: ‘Resonant spatio-temporal evolution of nonlinear water waves over rough bathymetry’
2005-2009 – $120,000
Agnon Y., M. Stiassnie and C.C. Mei.
MOST-BMBF (Israel-Germany): Climate change, wind-wave interaction and anthropogenic impact on coastal processes.
2006-2009 – EURO 228,000
Agnon Y., P. Alpert and H. Guenther
Mekorot: Analysis of the hydraulic and Lymnological system at Eshkol reservoirs.
2006-2007 – NIS 640,000
Agnon Y., Ostfeld A. and Rubin H.
Joint project IOLR/Technion



Ronen Avni, High Order Mild Slope Equation, M.Sc., Applied Mathematics, 2006.
Guy Ramon, Filtration in oscillating conditions, M.Sc, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2007 (second supervisor: C. Dosoretz).
Michael Belinsky, Adsorption in turbulent flows, Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2007 (first supervisor H. Rubin).
Amit Zeisel, Generation of waves by wind, M.Sc., Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2007 (first supervisor M. Stiassnie).
Yoav Levy, Investigation of New Techniques for Ultrasonic Imaging, Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, 2007 (advisor, primary supervisor H. Azhari).
Yaron Toledo, Linear and nonlinear wave shoaling, Ph.D. (direct), Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2008.
Guy Ramon, Thermoacoustics, Ph.D. (direct), 2010 Civil and Environmental Engineering (second supervisor: C. Dosoretz).
Avi Lubchik, Sea-atmosphere interactions and sea-salt aerosols generation, M.Sc., 2010, Tel Aviv U., (primary supervisors: P. Kishcha and P. Alpert).
Elad Rozin, Novel water pump, 2011, M.Sc, Civil and Environmental Engineering (co-supervisor U. Shavit).