ניתוח מקורות מים אלטרנטיביים כחלק מניהול בר-קיימא של מים במגזר העירוני
תהליכים המתרחשים בצנרת ביוב עירונית
מערכות אקסטנסיביות לטיפול בשפכים
תהליכים המשפיעים על איכות מים באגני היקוות: הדמיה, ניטור וניהול
1994 DSc in Environmental Engineering. Department of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion. (Direct Doctorate Studies Course)
1986 BSc in Agricultural Sciences. Specialised in Soil and Water studies. Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University. CUM LAUDE.
2018- on Professor, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Technion
2010-18 Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Technion
2016-17 Visiting Professor, Shantou Univ., Guangdong Province, China
3-9.2013 Visiting Professor (sabbatical), Centre of Water Systems. College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, UK
2001-2010 Senior lecturer, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Technion.
1998-2001 Adjunct lecturer, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion.
1999-2003 Adjunct lecturer, Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Management, Faculty of Social Sciences & Mathematics, Haifa University.
1998 Adjunct lecturer, The Centre for Environmental Studies, Western Galilee College.
1995-1996 Postdoctoral fellow (part time), Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Technion.
1993-1995 Postdoctoral fellow – Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK.
1988‑1993 Teaching assistant, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion.
2003-10 Member of the judges’ panel in the academic staff court for discipline.
2008-12 Academic Coordinator – Environmental Eng. course of studies (undergraduate)
2008-12 Head – Departmental teaching committee (undergraduate), Dept. of Env., Wat. & Agr. Eng.
2012-16 Senior Research Fellow – Samuel Neaman Inst. for Advanced Studies in Science & Technology. Coordinator of the Water Forum
2014-9.17 Associate Dean for Teaching and Undergraduate Studies, Fac. of Civ. & Env. Eng.
10.17- 3.18 Acting Head, Dept. of Env., Water & Agr. Eng., Fac. of Civ. & Env. Eng.
2017-18 Member, the judges’ panel in the students` court for discipline.
1.19-12.20 Member, the judges’ panel in the students` court of appeal
12.18-2.21 Head, Dept. of Env., Water & Agr. Eng., Fac. of Civ. & Env. Eng.
1.18-on Member, the standing committee for academic studies
2008-2010 Member – International Water Quality Expert Group (protecting water quality) within the framework of IHP-VII – UNESCO IHP (International Hydrological Programme)
2000-2013 Member, Editorial Board of Environmental Technology.
2005-2014 Member, Editorial Board of Urban Water Journal.
2005- on Member, Steering Committee of the WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) working group, of the JCUD (Joint Committee of Urban Drainage) of IWA & IAHR.
2014- on Associate Editor, Urban Water Journal.
2016- on Member, Urban Storm Water Harvesting (USWH) group, JCUD (Joint Committee of Urban Drainage) of IWA & IAHR.
2017- on Member, Editorial Board of Water.
2017 Special Issue Editor, "Development of Alternative Water Sources in the Urban Sector", Water
2018-19 Special Collection Co-Editor “Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems”, ASCE J. of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment
(Copies available upon request)
[1] Based on the MSc Research Thesis of T. Opher
R. Wang (MSc). Computational modelling of sewer flow quantity and quality. Department of Civil Engineering. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK. Primary supervisor: D. Butler (Imperial College), Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Y. Yaxas (MSc). Pollutant concentration of domestic wastewater inflows. Department of Civil Engineering. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK. Primary supervisor: D. Butler (Imperial College), Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Pisanty E. (MSc). Analysis of the relationship between construction or upgrade costs of wastewater treatment plants and their design capacity (Final Project).
Latman S. (MSc). Comparison between local and regional solution for wastewater treatment and reuse: Eclolgical and economical aspects (Final Project, Haifa Univ.) Primary Supervisor: E. Friedler, Consultant: N. Greenboum (Haifa Univ.)
Sagiv A. (MSc). Modelling H2S emission in gravity sewers. Primary Supervisor: O. Lahav, Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Segal E. (MSc). Study of engineering, economical and environmental aspects of various alternatives for treatment and disposal of excess sludge from the grater Tel-Aviv wastewater treatment plant (Haifa Univ.). Primary Supervisor: E. Friedler, Co-supervisor: N. Becker (Haifa Univ.).
Kovalio R. (MSc). Study of three systems for treatment and reuse of greywater for toilet flushing.
Firer D. (MSc). Investigation of the Use of Iron Salts to Control Odour and Corrosion in Urban Sewer Systems. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler., Co-supervisor: O. Lahav.
Shwatzman (Sofair) Z. (MSc). Reliability assessment of in-house greywater reuse. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler, Co-supervisor: A. Ostfeld.
Gilboa Y. (MSc). Study of the effects of disinfection with UV irradiation on the microbial quality of greywater. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler. Advisor: R. Armon.
Goldwasser K. (MSc). Development of management model for Lake Kinneret using AVGWLF. Primary supervisor: A. Ostfeld, Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Opher T. (MSc). Development of a data driven model for estimating pollutant levels in highway stormwater runoff. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler, Advisor: A. Ostfeld.
Dinerman E. (MSc). Modelling MTBE and BTEX in Lake Kinneret as a tool for the assessment of the risk to the water quality in the lake. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler. Advisor: D. Markel (Water Commission).
Aizenchtadt E. (PhD). Reliability approaches to bio-environmental systems on the base of wastewater treatment plants. Primary supervisor: D. Ingman (Quality Assurance and Reliability Unit), Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Meir A. (MSc). Comparative study of the effect of disinfection by UV irradiation and chlorination on clogging of drip irrigation system fed with tertiary effluent (Final Project). 2009 Asheri T. (MSc). The effect of low intensity ultrasonic irradiation on algae population and biological diversity in different water bodies. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: R. Porat (Mekorot, Nat. Water Company).
Eid K. (MSc). Quantification calibration and verification of QUEST method as a tool for the assessment of exfiltration from gravity sewers. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler. Advisor: O. Lahav.
Yapman I. (MSc). Electrocoagulation as a part of greywater treatment and reuse.
Pesach N. (MSc). Determination of surfactants concentrations in estuaries and seawater and assessment of their effects on corals. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: N. Kress (IOLR).
Yardeni A. (MSc). On-line biomonitoring for pollution detection in potable water network with the FishToximeter – A Video based early warning system. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: R. Porat (Mekorot, Nat. Water Company).
Khodorkovsky M. (MSc). Investigation of the spatial and seasonal distribution of selected pesticides (chlorpyrifos, methidathion and endosulfan) and their degradation products in the streams of the Hula watershed. Primary supervisor: Y. Dubowski; Co-supervisor: E. Friedler.
Muklada H. (MSc). On-site rainwater harvesting as an alternative water source for urban areas. (Final Project).
Dekel A. (MSc). Study of microorganisms community structure by molecular methods as a tool for developing an attached growth treatment process for greywater. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: M. Halpern (Haifa Univ.)
Zarchi E. (MSc). Polyaluminum Chloride as an Alternative to Alum for Direct Filtration of Drinking Water. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: M. Rebhun.
Penn R. (MSc). Investigation and quantification of the influence of on-site urban greywater reuse on sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants.
Gilboa Y. (PhD). The effects of anthropogenic activities on water quality in Lake Kinneret. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: G. Gal (Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, IOLR)
Kovaliov M. (MSc). Infrared rays embedded fish instrument as a tool for on–line detection of pollution intrusion into potable water systems. Primary supervisor: E. Friedle;r Co-supervisor: R. Porat (Mekorot, Nat. Water Company).
Dinerman E. (PhD). Fate of Chlorpyrifos under semiarid conditions and the impact on its loss from orchard soil surface Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: Y. Dubowski.
Barkai-Arbel Y. (MSc) Precursors removal and reduction of disinfection by-products formation by enhanced coagulation and sedimentation in the NWC system. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: M. Rebhun; Advisor: L. Heller-Grosmann
Blanky M. (MSc). Legionella pneumophila in greywater – Quantification, removal during treatment and assessment of human exposure via aerosols. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: M. Halpren (Haifa Univ.)
Shalev A. (MSc). Removal of Triclosan from greywater by innovative V-UV/UV-C process. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: Y. Dubowski
Busgang A. (MSc; BGU). Risk assessment of greywater reuse Primary supervisor: A. Gross (Ben-Gurion Univ.); Co-supervisor: E. Friedler
Steynberg D. (MSc). Simulating the diurnal pattern of domestic water demand on a micro-component scale – based on smart metering and data driven modeling. Supervisor: E. Friedler; Advisor: A. Ostfeld
Penn R. (PhD). Impacts of on-site greywater reuse and water saving on urban wastewater systems – an integrated simulation approach. Supervisor: E. Friedler; Advisor: M. Schuetze (ifak, Magdeburg, Germany)
Gido B. (MSc). Harvesting atmospheric moisture by a liquid desiccant system and solar energy. Primary supervisor: D. Broday; Co-supervisor: E. Friedler
Opher T. (PhD). An integrated multi-criteria, LCA-based model for sustainability assessment of varying centralization scales of water reuse systems in the urban sector. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: A. Shapira.
Campagnano M. (MSc) Comparative Study of Anaerobic Digestion and Combined Biochemical-Hydrothermal Treatment for Treatment of Poultry Litter for Biofuel Production, Nutrient Recycling and Removal of Environmental Pollutants.
Haft A. (MSc). Characterising Stormwater in Israeli Cities – Kfar-Saba as a case study. Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-supervisor: R. Wallach (Hebrew Univ.)
Alfiya Y. (PhD). Personal care products (PCPs) as source for micropollutants in Greywater – Identification, quantification and on-site treatment. Primary supervisor: Y. Dubowski; Co-supervisor: E. Friedler
Shlomo-Bendory I. (MSc) Novel Oscillatory System for Removal of Colloid Particles by Flocculation.
Tomita M. (MSc). Greywater Treatment by Electrocoagulation through Oscillatory Mixing.
2023 White B. (MSc). Distributed UV LEds for combined control of fouling of drip emitters and disinfection during irrigation with reclaimed wastewater effluent
2023 Sussman A. (MSc). Green roof stormwater mitigation efficiency under Mediterranean climate conditions.
2024 Neta H. (PhD). Sustainability of Closing the urban water loop with emphasis on human health.
2024 Snir O. (PhD). Optimizing design and operation of urban rainwater harvesting systems: High-temporal resolution stochastic model
Primary supervisor: E. Friedler; Co-Supervisor[1]: L. Vezzaro – DTU (Denmark Technical Univ.) Environment
[1] Within the EuroTech alliance research project