מיפוי ספרתי ופוטוגרמטריה

מערכות מידע גיאוגרפי

התאמה ומיזוג של בסיסי מידע ספרתיים דו ותלת-ממדיים

מודלים ספרתיים של פני הקרקע – DTM

קדסטר ומערכות לניהול מקרקעין

קדסטר תלת ממדי

Academic Degrees

B.Sc. – 1967 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, (Summa Cum Laude)

M.Sc. – 1973 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

D.Sc. – 1979 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Academic Appointments

Since 1996

2014 –             Technion – I.I.T., Professor Emeritus

2005 – 2014,  Holder of the Abel Wolman Chair in Civil Engineering

2002 – 2014,  Technion – I.I.T., Professor

1996 – 2002,  Technion – I.I.T., Associate Professor

Until 1995 (Simultaneously with Professional Activities in the Israeli Industry)

1989 – 1995,       Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct Senior Teaching Fellow (equivalent to “Adjunct Associate Professor”)

1983 – 1989,   Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct B (equivalent to “Adjunct Senior Lecturer”)

1981 – 1983,   Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct C (equivalent to “Adjunct Lecturer”)

1979 – 1981,   Technion – I.I.T., Lecturer

1975 – 1979,   Technion – I.I.T., Instructor

Visiting Academic Appointments

02-05/2011,  Visiting Professor, School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

06-09/2011,  Visiting Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Department, University College London (UCL), London, UK

08-09/2012,  Visiting Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science Department, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA

08/2013,        Visiting Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ, USA

09/2013,        Visiting Professor, Rural & Surveying Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece

04-6/2014,    Visiting Scholar, Department Geography and Human Environment, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

07-9/2014,    Visiting Scholar, Geomatics Engineering Department, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Professional Experience and Significant Achievements

1967 – 1971,   Mapping Unit of the Israeli Army; Geodesist.

Main tasks: Software development in the fields of Plane and Geodetic Surveying, Cartography.

1971 – 1973,  Israeli Survey Department; Head of Computing Section.

Main tasks: Supervision of computational activities in plane and geodetic surveying; Development of new techniques in these fields; System Engineer of the Automation System.

1973 – 1975,  Israeli Survey Department; Head of Automation and Computation Division

Main tasks: Developing software systems for plane and geodetic surveying, and automation to cadastral survey; Geodetic aspects of the first order network established for special military purposes; Developing software for top classified projects (for IDF).

1976 – 1982,  Complot International, Tel Aviv, Israel; Professional Manager.

Main tasks: Creating integrated automatic systems for: surveying, highway design, cadastral and town planning; Developing geo-referenced urban databases; Supervising and technical management of the firm’s activities.

1983 – 1987,  Mehish Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel; Senior Scientific Consultant.

Main tasks: Managing all geodetic and technical activities; Responsibility for all R&D projects; Implementing: Analytical Photogrammetry, Databases for topographic mapping; DTMs for automated mapping and highway design; Automated cadastral survey.

1988 – 1995,  Malam Systems, Jerusalem, Israel; Mapping Consultant and GIS Manager.

Main tasks: Professional supervision of all activities in geodesy, digital mapping and GIS; Managing of geodetic projects; Examination/evaluation/development of GIS/LIS/AM/FM projects; Elaborating digital mapping projects; Managing a multi-layer wide range GIS project.

1976 – 1995,  Consultant to Public Agencies and Private Firms.

Main tasks: Consulting to several private firms and public organizations (such as Israeli Armed Forces, Israeli Survey Department) in the fields of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Computer Graphics, Automated Mapping and GIS.

Teaching Experience

Technion – I.I.T. – Faculty of Civil & Environmental Eng., (1975 – present)

  • Surveying 1 for Civil Engineering Students (Winter & Spring semesters, 1975-1981)
  • Surveying 1A for Architectural Students (Periodically Winter semester, 1980-1986)
  • Geometric Geodesy (Periodically Winter semester, 1975-1990)
  • Laboratory in Surveying (Winter & Spring semesters, 1975-1981)
  • Surveying Camp (Summer semester, 1976-1979)
  • Plane Surveying 1 (Winter semester, 1981-1986)
  • Plane Surveying 2 (Spring semester, 1981-1986)
  • Seminar in Geodesy (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1981-2004)
  • Geodetic Project 1 (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1981-2004)
  • Geodetic Project 2 (Practical) (Periodically Winter or Spring semesters, 1981-1995)
  • Introduction to Computerized Mapping (Winter semester, 1985-1988)
  • Computerized Mapping 1 (Winter semester, 1989-1997)
  • Computerized Mapping 2 (Spring semester, 1989-2001)
  • Geodetic Databases (Winter semester, 1990-2001)
  • Geographical Information Systems (Spring semester, 1994-1998)
  • Advanced Topics in Geodetic Engineering (Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1996-2004)
  • Introduction to Computer Mapping and GIS (Spring semester, 2002-2003)
  • Geo-Spatial Databases (Winter semester, 2002-2020)
  • Digital Cartography (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semester, 2004-2014)
  • Geo-Spatial Data Processing (Periodically Winter or Spring semesters, 2004-2014)
  • Seminar in Digital Mapping (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 2004-2018)
  • Project in Digital Mapping 1 (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 2004-2020)
  • Mapping and Surveying (Winter and/or Spring semesters, 2005-2020)
  • Seminar in Mapping and Geo-Information (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 2020-2024)
  • Aspects in Modern Cadastre (Spring semesters, 2021-2024)

Technion – I.I.T. – Initiation of New Courses

October 2001 – Initiation of new and updated courses and syllabi of the Geodetic Engineering division: New two tracks (Surveying and Geodesy; Digital Mapping and GIS). The 30 new courses replaced more than 90% of the previous (until September 2001) courses and syllabi.

December 2003 – Initiation of new and updated graduate program – courses and syllabi of the Mapping and Geo-Information Engineering track. The 21 new courses are more than 80% of the new (since October 2004) graduate courses and syllabi.

November 2005 – Initiation of new graduate program (together with R. Alterman) – courses and syllabi of Master of Real Estate (MRE) track. The 6 new courses, together with 11 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new program.

January 2012 – Initiation of new graduate program (together with R. Alterman & A. Frankel) – courses and syllabi of Master of Urban Engineering (MUE) track. The 4 new courses, together with 17 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new program.

March 2013 – Initiation of updated courses and syllabi of the Mapping and Geo-Information Engineering program: A new track on Cadastre and Land Management. The 5 new courses, together with 3 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new track.

Tel Aviv University – Department of Geography, (1973 – 1985)

  • Computer's Application in Geodesy (Winter semester, 1973-1985)
  • Surveying (Winter and Spring semesters, 1978-1981)
  • Geometric Geodesy (Periodically Spring semester, 1978-1985)
  • Seminar in Geodesy (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1978-1985)
  • Practical Project in Geodesy (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1978-1985)
  • Theoretical Project in Geodesy (Periodically Winter and/or Spring semesters, 1978-1985)
  • Automated Mapping (Spring semester, 1978-1985)

Bar-Ilan University – Department of Geography, (1973 – 1976)

  • Cartography (Winter & Spring trimesters, 1973-1976)
  • Topography (Autumn trimester, 1973-1976)
  1. Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Teachers College, (1971 – 1976)
  • Cartography (Autumn, Winter & Spring trimesters, 1971-1976)

Technion Activities (partial list)

1996 – 2002, Head of the Geodetic Engineering Division, Faculty of Civil Engineering.

1997 – 2000, Responsible for the Digital Mapping Project of the Technion.

1997 – 2001, Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Civil Engineering.

1998 – 2006, Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

1999 – 2014, Head of the Geodesy and Mapping Research Center, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

2000 – 2002, Member of the Academic Development Committee, Faculty of Civil Engineering.

2001,            Deputy Dean in charge of Undergraduate Students (and head of the Undergraduate Studies Committee) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

2002 – 2014, Appointments and Promotions Committee ("Faculty Preparatory Committee" – ex officio as professor), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

2002 – 2006, Head of the Geodetic Engineering Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

2002 – 2006, Head of the Transportation and Geo-Information Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

2003 – 2006, Member of the Senate Preparatory Committee (for promotion and new appointments).

2004 – 2006, Member of the Academic Council of the Unit for Continuing Education and External Studies.

2004 – 2006, Member of the Degrees Committee of the Technion Graduate School.

2006 – 2012, Member of the Technion Master of Engineering (ME) interdepartmental committee.

2006 – 2010, Member of the developing and teleprocessing steering committee.

2006 – 2010, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.

2006 – 2010, Chair, Appointments and Promotions Committee ("Faculty Preparatory Committee" – ex officio as professor and Dean), Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.

2008 – 2025, Member of the Technion interdepartmental committee on Real-Estate Studies.

2010 – 2014, Member, Appointments and Promotions Ad-Hoc Professorship Committee, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.

2012 – 2021, Chair, Technion interdepartmental committee on Real-Estate Studies.

2012 – 2023, Member of the Technion interdepartmental committee on Urban Engineering.

2012 – 2021, Chair, Technion interdepartmental committee on Urban Engineering.

Public Professional Activities (partial list)

1995 – 1998, Member, Committee for renewing the Israeli surveying regulations.

1995 – 1999,  Member of the Israeli Council for Mapping (guiding the governmental mapping policy in Israel).

1996 – present,         Representative of Israel to Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

1998 – 2008, Representative of Israel to Commission 6 (Education and Communication) of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).

1998 – 2002, Co-Chair, Working Group 3/1 (Technical Aspects of Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

2002 – 2006, Co-Chair, Working Group on 3D Cadastre – Inter-Commission activity of Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) and Commission 7 (Cadastre) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

2002 – 2004, Member of the Governmental steering committee, 3D Cadastre in Israel.

2005, Member of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Award committee.

2005 – 2010, Member of the Council for Mapping at the Survey of Israel (guiding the governmental mapping policy in Israel).

2005 – 2010, Member of the Advisory Committee in Geodesy and Cadastre to the Director General of the Survey of Israel (guiding the governmental Geodetic and Cadastral policy in Israel).

2008 – 2010, Chair Elect, Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

2011 – 2014, Chair, Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

2011 – 2025,  President, Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel.

2013-2014, Member (ACCO Representative), Council of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

2015-2017, Chair, Task Force on “Establishment of a FIG peer-review scientific Journal”, the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

Honors and Awards

1965  –  Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.

1966  –  Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.

1966  –  The Charles Clore Prize for excellent achievements in academic studies (Israeli universities level competition).

1967  –  Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.

1967  –  Technion, a Summa Cum Laude graduation (B.Sc. in Civil Engineering).

1972  –  Kaplan Award (as a member of a team) for development and efficiency in the field of automation in the Israel Survey Department (currently – Survey of Israel).

1993  –  Technion, Excellence in Teaching Award (Distinguished Technion Lecturer).

2004  –  Talbert Abrams Grand Award, The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS – American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), for the most outstanding paper of the year.

2006  –  The CadCorp Prize for Best Research presented at the GISRUK'2006 Conference. The award is given by the GISRUK steering committee and is sponsored by a British GIS company.

2006  –  Second Best Paper, ISPRS Commission IV Symposium on "Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development", September 2006, Goa, India.

2010  –  Paper of the month (March 2010), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – presented also at Commission 3 Keynote Session: SIM in Support of Mega City Management, April 2010.

2010  –  Talbert-Abrams best paper award, second prize, The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS – American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), for the most outstanding papers of the year.

2012  –  Best Paper, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2012, January – February 2012.

2012  –  Paper of the month (April 2012), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) –presented at 3D Principles and Technology session: Spatial 3D Analysis of Built-up Areas, May 2010.

2013  –  Best Paper, The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2013, February-March 2013.

2013  –  IARIA Fellow, the International Academy, Research and Industry Association.

2014  –  Best Paper, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2014, March 2014.

2014  –  Second Best Paper, International Conference on "Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM", November 2014, Bologna, Italy.

2014  –  Paper of the month (December 2014), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – presented at Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM": “A Quantitative Geo-Evaluation of Crowdsourcing and Wisdom of the Crowd”.

2015  –  Best Paper, The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2015, March 2015.

2015  –  Best Paper, Joint Workshop FIG Commission 3 & Commission 7 on "Crowdsourcing of Land Information, November 2015.

2016  –  Best Paper, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2016, April 2016.

2016  –  Best Paper, FIG Commission 3 Annual Workshop on "From Volume to Quality: Bridging the Gap for Spatial Data Infrastructure", November 2016.

2017  –  Best Paper, The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2017, March 2017.

2017  –  FIG Honorary Member, the International Federation of Surveyors, May/June 2017.

2018  –  Best Paper, The tenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2018, March 2018.

2019  –  Best Paper, the ninth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation, INFOCOMP 2019, March 2019.

2021  –  Best Paper, the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, July 2021.

2022  –  Best Paper, the Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, June 2022.

2023  –  Best Paper, the Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, April 2023.



  • Doytsher Y., 1973. "An Automatic System for Computing and Plotting Geodetic Profiles from a Digital Terrain Model". M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion – I.I.T. (in Hebrew).
  • Doytsher Y., 1979. "Automation Procedures in Mapping". D.Sc. Dissertation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technion – I.I.T. (in Hebrew).


  1. Doytsher Y., Kelly P., Khouri R., McLaren R., Mueller H., Potsiou C., 2010, "Rapid Urbanization and Mega Cities: The Need for Spatial Information Management", Published by the International Federation of Surveyors (No 48), 90 pages, ISBN 978-87-90907-78-5.
  2. Doytsher Y. 2019 (Editor). Cetl V., Charalabos I., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., Felus Y., Haklay M., Muller H., Potsiou C., Rispoli E., Siriba D. “New Trends in Spatial Information: The Land Surveyors Role in the Era of Crowdsourcing and VGI (Current State and Practices within the Land Surveying, Mapping and Geo-Science Communities)”, Published by the International Federation of Surveyors (No 73) 120 pages, ISBN 978-87-92853-85-1.

Chapters in Books

  1. Doytsher Y., 1981, "The Use of Analytical Stereoplotter for Highway Design", In Photogrammetry in Israel, Photogrammetric Papers No. 3, pp. 51-57 (in Hebrew).
  2. Doytsher Y., 1984, "Large Scale Mapping for Engineering and Cadastral Purposes", In Cartography in Israel, Cartographic Papers No. 11, pp. 29-45 (in Hebrew).
  3. Du W., Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 2002. "SVG and Web Mapping", In Computer Graphics and Spatial Information System, Quyang Zhiyun & Cong Shengri (Eds.), China Meteorological Press, pp. 280-289.
  4. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2006. “Integrating Data from Maps on the World-Wide Web”. In Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, James D. Carswell & Taro Tezuka (Eds.), Springer, Volume 4295, pp. 180-191, ISBN 978-3-540-49466-9 (Based on W2GIS 2006 conference paper).
  5. Safra E., Kanza Y., Dolev N., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2007. “Computing a k-Route over Uncertain Geographical Data”, In Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dimitris Papadias, Donghui Zhang & George Kollios (Eds.), Springer, Volume 4605, pp. 276-293. ISBN 978-3-540-73539-7 (Based on SSTD'07 conference paper).
  6. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Spatial Terrain Modeling: A Hierarchical Approach toward 3D Geospatial Datasets Merging". In Innovations in GIS 13: Representing,Modelingand Visualizing the Natural Environment, Nick Mount, Gemma Harvey, PaulAplin, &Gary Priestnall (Eds.), pp. 195-220, ISBN 978-1-420-05549-8.
  7. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., Katzil Y., 2009. "Digital Terrain Models: a Tool for Establishing Reliable and Qualitative Environmental Control Processes". In GeoSpatial Visual Analytics: Geographical Information Processing and Visual Analytics for Environmental Security, Raffaele De Amicis, Radovan Stojanovic, Giuseppe Conti (Eds.), Springer Science and Business Media, pp. 215-234, ISBN 978-90-481-2897-6 (Based on NATO-ARW 2008 workshop paper).
  8. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Hierarchical Modelling of Multi-Geospatial Databases as Basis for Geo-Oriented 3D Analysis Capabilities". In 3D Geo-Information Sciences, Lecture Notes in GeoInformation and Cartography, Jiyeong Lee & Sisi Zlatanova (Eds.), Springer, pp. 301-318, ISBN 978-3-540-87394-5 3rd International Workshop on 3D Geo-Information, Seoul, South Korea (Based on the Third Workshop on 3D Geo-Information paper).
  9. Dalyot S., Gershkovich A., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Hierarchical Approach for an Accuracy-based Conflation of Multi-topographic Databases". In Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Book Series, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Shi Wenzhong, Goodchild Michael, Lees Brain, Leung Yee (Eds.), pp. 155-174.
  10. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013. "Dynamic Objects Effect on Visibility Analysis in 3D Urban Environments", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 7820, pp. 147-163, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37087-811, Springer.
  11. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013. "Fast Visible Trajectory Planning in 3D Urban Environments Based on Local Point Clouds Data", Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-62808-808-3, (Edt. Ambrogio Bacciga and Renato Naliato), Invited.
  12. Noskov, Doytsher Y., 2014. "Preparing Simplified 3D Scenes of Multiple LODs of Buildings in Urban Areas Based on a Raster Approach and Information Theory", Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography: Thematic Cartography for the Society, ISBN: 978-3-319-08179-3 (Print) 978-3-319-08180-9 (Online), Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny, Sisi Zlatanova (Eds.), pp. 221-236 (Based on 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS paper).
  13. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2015. “Local Absolute Vertical Accuracy Computation of Wide-Coverage Digital Terrain Models". Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis (16th IGU Spatial Data Handling Symposium, Toronto, Canada), Francis Harvey and Yee Leung (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, pp. 209-224.
  14. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2019. “A robust triangulated algorithm for geo-referencing a set of points", Geo-Information Research in Israel 2020, Shoshany M. (Ed.), pp. 63-84 (in Hebrew).
  15. Dror T., Doytsher Y., Dalyot s., 2021. “Investigating the Use of Historical Node Location Data as a Source to Improve OpenStreetMap Position Quality”, Open-Source Geospatial Science for Urban Studies, The Value of Open Geospatial Data (pp.55-73).

Guest Editor

  1. Potsiou C, Doytsher Y., 2008, Guest Editors, Surveying and Land Information Science, 68(2):63-122 (June 2008), Special Issue on “Spatial Information Management toward Environmental Management of Mega Cities”.
  2. Potsiou C, Doytsher Y., 2009, Guest Editors, Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Special Series, Vol. 6 (2009):1-113, special issue on “Spatial Information for Management of Sustainable Urban Areas”.
  3. Doytsher Y., Idrizi B., Potsiou C., 2012, Guest Editors, Digital South-Eastern European Journal for Earth Observation and Geomatics, June 2012 Special Issue on "Land and Information Management in South-Eastern Europe".
  4. Doytsher Y., Potsiou C., 2013, Guest Editors, Digital South-Eastern European Journal for Earth Observation and Geomatics, September 2013 Special Issue on "Spatial Information, Informal Development, and Property and Housing in South-Eastern Europe".
  5. Rückemann C.P., Doytsher Y., 2018, Guest Editors of 2018 GEOProcessing proceedings.

Refereed Papers in Professional Journals

  1. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1981. "Matching between Photogrammetric Models", The Canadian Surveyor, 35(2):109-119.
  2. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1981. "Transformation of Conformal Projections for Graphical Purposes", The Canadian Surveyor, 35(4):394-404.
  3. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1984. "Adjustment of Information Digitized from Maps", Survey Review, 27(211):211-220.
  4. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1987. "Computerized Solution for Land Subdivision", The Canadian Surveyor, 41(1):33-50.
  5. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1987. "Low-Cost Approach to Digital Mapping", Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 113(3):118-126.
  6. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1987. "Digital Urban Mapping", The Cartographic Journal, 24: 125-130.
  7. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1988. "A New Approach to Monitoring Data Collection in Photogrammetric Models", Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 54(6/1):715-722.
  8. Doytsher Y., 1988. "Defining a Minimum Area Rectangle Circumscribing Given Information", The Cartographic Journal, 25:97-103.
  9. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1989. "Matching Information in Overlapping Photogrammetric Models", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 44:235-243.
  10. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1990. "Assembling Closed Polygons", Survey Review, 30(235): 209-220.
  11. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1990. "Contouring – Simulation of the Cartographers Procedure", Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 116(4):193-203.
  12. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1992. "Matching a Set of Digitized Cadastral Maps", CISM Journal, 46(3):277-284.
  13. Doytsher Y., Hall J. K., 1995. "FORTRAN Programs for Coordinate Resection Using an Oblique Photograph and High-Resolution DTM", Computers & GeoSciences, 21(7):895-905.
  14. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 1995. "A Rubber Sheeting Algorithm for Cadastral Maps", Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 121(4):155-162.
  15. Doytsher Y., 1996. "Large Scale Multi-informational Urban Mapping", Surveying and Land Information Systems, 56(3):156-164.
  16. Doytsher Y., 1997. "Geometrical and Topological Improvement of Structures Measured from Photographs", Surveying and Land Information Systems, 57(1):11-22.
  17. Doytsher Y., Hall J. K., 1997. "Gridded Affine Transformation and Rubber Sheeting Algorithm with Fortran Program for Calibrating Scanned Hydrographic Survey Maps", Computers & GeoSciences, 23(7):785-791.
  18. Doytsher Y., Hall J. K., 1997. "Interpolation of DTM Using Bi-directional Third-degree Parabolic Equations, with Fortran Subroutines", Computers & GeoSciences, 23(9):1013-1020.
  19. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 1998. "Estimating the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Data – Mechanism and Implementation", Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 124(4):156-170.
  20. Haklay M., Feitelson E., Doytsher Y., 1998. "The Potential of a GIS-Based Scoping System: An Israeli Proposal and Case Study", Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 18:439-459.
  21. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 1999. "A Linear Mapping Approach for Map Conflation: Matching of Polylines". Surveying and Land Information Systems, 59(2), pp.107-114.
  22. Gelbman E., Doytsher Y., 1999. "Automatic Filtering and Classification of Raw Field Surveying Data". Surveying and Land Information Systems, Vol. 59(4):231-240.
  23. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Detection of Corresponding Objects in Linear-Based Map Conflation". Surveying and Land Information Systems, 60(2):117-128.
  24. Doytsher Y., 2000. "A Rubber Sheeting Algorithm for Non-Rectangular Maps". Computers & GeoSciences, 26(9):1001-1010.
  25. Katzil Y., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Height Estimation Methods for Filling Gaps in a Gridded DTM". Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 126(4):145-162.
  26. Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 2000. "An Approach to Matching Lines in Partly Similar Engineering Maps". Geomatica, 54(3):297-310.
  27. Doytsher Y., Hall J. K., 2001. "Simplified Algorithms for Isometric and Perspective Projections with Hidden Line Removal". Computers & GeoSciences, 27(1):77-83.
  28. Doytsher Y., Filin S., Ezra E., 2001. “Transformation of datasets in a Linear-based Map Conflation Framework”. Surveying and Land Information Systems, 61(3):159-169.
  29. Fradkin K., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Urban Digital Cadastre: Analytical Reconstruction of Cadastral Boundaries". Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 26(5):447-463.
  30. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2003. “Monocular Right-Angle Building Hypothesis Generation in Regularized Urban Areas by Pose Clustering”. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 69(2):151-169. The winner of the 2004 Talbert Abrams Grand Award, by The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS), for the most outstanding paper of the year.
  31. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 2003. “Toward a Multi-Space 3D Cadastre in Israel”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27:359-374.
  32. Nimre S., Doytsher Y., 2003. “A Line-based Alignment Process of Large-Scale Master Plans”. Geomatica, 57(3):299-311.
  33. Katzil Y., Doytsher Y., 2003. "A Logarithmic and Sub-Pixel Approach to Shaded Relief Representation ". Computers & GeoSciences, 29(9):1137-1142.
  34. Guienko G., Doytsher Y., 2003. “GIS Data for Supporting Feature Extraction from High Resolution Aerial and Satellite Images”. Journal of Surveying Engineering – ASCE, 129(4):158-164.
  35. Cohen, Y., Shoshany, M., Doytsher, Y., 2004. "Integrating Pseudo Hydrologic Logic in Road Extraction", Surveying and Land Information Science, 64(1):43-52.
  36. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Right-Angle Rooftop Polygon Extraction in Regularized Urban Areas: Cutting the Corners", The Photogrammetric Record, 19(108):1-30.
  37. Altmann T., Carmel Y., Guetta R., Zaslavsky D., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Assessment of an 'Energy Tower' potential in Australia using a mathematical model and GIS", Solar Energy, 78(6):799-808.
  38. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Semi-Automatic Approach toward Mapping of Flat-Roofed Buildings within A Non-Stereoscopic Environment" The Photogrammetric Record, 22(117):53-74.
  39. Filin S., Abo Akel N., Kremeike K., Sester M., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Interpretation and Generalization of 3D Landscapes from LiDAR Data", Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 34(3):231-243.
  40. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Orthogonal Polynomials Supported by Region Growing Segmentation for the Extraction of Terrain from LiDAR Data", Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 73(11):1253-1266.
  41. Filin S., Borka A., Doytsher Y., 2008. "From 2D to 3D Land Parcelization: Fusion of LiDAR Data and Cadastral Maps", Surveying and Land Information Science, 68(2):81-91, (Based on the SIM 2008 Workshop paper).
  42. Dalyot S., Keinan E., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Landslides Morphology Analysis Model Based on LiDAR and Spatial Topographic Datasets Comparison", Surveying and Land Information Science, 68(3):155-170, (Based on the SIM 2008 Workshop paper).
  43. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2008. "APolygonal Approach for Automation in Extraction of Serial Modular Roofs", Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74(11):1365-1378.
  44. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2009. "Reconstruction of Complex Shape Buildings from LiDAR Data Using Free Form Surfaces", Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 75(3):271-280. The 2009 Talbert Abrams best paper award – second prize, by The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS).
  45. Filin S., Borka A., Doytsher, Y., 2009. "Generation of Parcelation Proposals Aided by LiDAR Derived Spatial Cues", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33(4):278–284.
  46. Klebanov M., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Cadastral Triangulation: A Block Adjustment Approach for Joining Numerous Cadastral Blocks". Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Special Series, Vol. 6 (2009):50-65, (Based on the SIM 2009 Workshop paper)
  47. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Beeri C., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Location-Based Algorithms for Finding Sets of Corresponding Objects over Several Geo-Spatial Data Sets", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(1):69-106.
  48. Avrahami Y., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Algorithms for Automatic Matching of Polygons or Closed Curves Derived from Different Images". Surveying and Land Information Science, 70(4):175-185.
  49. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Beeri C., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Ad-hoc Matching of Vectorial Road Networks". International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2012, 1–40. ISSN 1365-8816 print/ISSN 1362-3087 online
  50. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2012, "Genetic Algorithms: A Stochastic Approach for Improving the Current Cadastre Accuracies", Survey Review, 44(325): 102-110 (Based on the FIG/COM3 2010 Workshop paper)
  51. Navon R., Khoury S., Doytsher Y., 2012, "Automated Productivity Measurement Model of Two-Dimensional Earthmoving-Equipment Operations", International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (IJAEC), 1(3): 163-173
  52. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2012, "Geospatial Analysis Model of Real Estate and Land Management", Digital South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, June Special Issue on "Land and Information Management in South-Eastern Europe", 1(2s):61-74
  53. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012, "Analyzing 3D Complex Urban Environments Using a Unified Visibility Algorithm", International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 5, no, 3&4, pp. 401-413.
  54. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2013, "Multi-Temporal Time-Dependent Terrain Visualization through Localized Spatial Correspondence Parameterization", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI), 2(2):456-479.
  55. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013, "Fast Visibility Analysis in 3D Mass Modeling Environments and Approximated Visibility Analysis Concept Using Point Clouds Data", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science (IJASci), Vol 3 (4), ISSN 2251-6379.
  56. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013. ”Fast and Efficient Visible Trajectories Planning for Dubins UAV model in 3D Built-up Environments”, Robotica, FirstView, Article pp 1-21 Cambridge University Press, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0263574713000787.
  57. Fisher-Gewirtzman D., Shashkov A., Doytsher Y., 2013, "Voxel Based Volumetric Visibility Analysis of Urban Environments", Survey Review, Vol. 45(333): 451-461. (Based on the FIG/COM3 2012 Workshop paper).
  58. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013. ”Fast Visible Trajectory Planning in 3D Urban Environments Based on Local Point Clouds Data”, Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-62808-808-3, Invited.
  59. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2014, "Fast and Efficient Visible Trajectories Planning for the Dubins UAV Model in 3D Built-Up Environments", Robotica, Journal of the International Federation of Robotics, 32, No 1, pp. 143-163, Cambridge University Press 2014, (Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/S0263574713000787)
  60. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Hierarchical Quarters Model Approach toward 3D Raster Based Generalization of Urban Environments", International Journal On Advances in Software, Vol. 7(3&4), ISSN: 1942-2628, pp. 343-353.
  61. Doytsher Y., Alterman R., 2014, "The Graduate Real Estate Program at the Technion in Israel: Rationale and Implementation Process", Digital South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 3(1s):55-69.
  62. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2014, "An Advanced Geospatial Analysis Model of Real Estate Assets Based on a Neural Network Approach", Digital South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 3(1s):87-107.
  63. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2014, "Triangulation Based Topology Approach for 2D Point Sets Registration", Survey Review, Vol. 46(338): 355–365 (Based on the FIG/COM3 2013 Workshop paper).
  64. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Spatial Trajectory Planning based on Visibility Clustering Analysis in Urban Environments", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science (IJASci), ISSN 1942-2628, Vol 7, no. 3&4, pp. 526-538.
  65. Dror T., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2015. "A Quantitative Evaluation of Volunteered Geographic Information Paradigms: Social Location Based Services Case Study", Survey Review
  66. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2015. "Conditions Necessary for Visibility and Sensors Placement in Urban Environments Using Genetic Algorithms", International Journal On Advances in Software, ISSN 1942-2628 Vol 8, no. 3&4, pp. 387-397.
  67. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2015. "Patrolling Strategy Using Heterogeneous Multi Agents in Urban Environments Using Visibility Clustering", Journal of Unmanned
    System Technology.
  68. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2016. "Triangulation and Segmentation-based Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Polygon Data", International Journal on Advances in Software, Vol. 9, no 1&2, ISSN: 1942-2628, pp. 24-36.
  69. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2016. ”Patrolling Strategy Using Heterogeneous Multi Agents in Urban Environments Using Visibility Clustering”, Journal of Unmanned System Technology, ISSN 2287-7320, 2016.
  70. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2017. "A Linear Approach to Improving Accuracy of City Planning and OpenStreetMap Road Datasets", International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 10, no 1&2, ISSN: 1942-261x, pp. 23-34.
  71. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2017. ”Fast Visible Trajectory Planning Using Spatial Analysis in 3D Environments Based on Local Point Clouds Data”, International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol.10, pp. 174-183.
  72. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2018. ”Visibility Velocity Obstacles (VVO): Visibility-Based Path Planning in 3D Environments”, International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 11(3).
  73. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2020. ”Spatial Visibility Trajectory Planning Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning”, International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol.13.
  74. Shriki, U., Gal, O., Doytsher, Y., 2020. “Drone Autonomous Landing on a Moving Maritime Platform Using Machine Learning Classifiers”. International Journal of Data Science and Advanced Analytics, vol. 2(2), pp. 30–35.
  75. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2021. “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spatial Motion Planning in 3D Urban Environments“. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, pp. 163-174.
  76. Gal O., Michaely R., Doytsher Y., 2022. “Self-Supervised Learning in Hebrew–Model to Practice Framework“. Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (TMLAI),  10(6), pp. 35-51.
  77. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2022. ”Decentralized Swarms Visibility Algorithms in Advanced 3D Urban Environments ”, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 15.
  78. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2023. “Deep Learning Decision Making for  Autonomous Drone Landing in 3D Urban Environment”, International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 3&4.
  79. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2024. “Autonomous Drone Landing in 3D Urban Environment Using Real-Time Visibility Analysis”, International Journal on Advances in Software (accepted).

Fully Refereed Publications

  1. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Extraction of 3D Spatial Polygons Based on the Overlapping Criterion for Roof Extraction from Aerial Images", Joint Workshop of ISPRS and the German Association for Pattern Recognition on 'Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring – Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation', Vienna, Austria.
  2. Abo Akel N., Kremeike K., Filin S., Sester M., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Dense DTM Generalization Aided by Roads Extracted from LiDAR Data", ISPRS Workshop on Laser scanning 2005, Enschede, the Netherlands.
  3. Shragai Z., Barnea S., Filin S., Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Automatic Image Sequence Registration Based on a Linear Solution and Scale Invariant Keypoint Matching", BenCOS – ISPRS Workshop in conjunction with ICCV 2005 on 'Towards Benchmarking Automated Calibration, Orientation and Surface Reconstruction from Images', Beijing, China, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 36(3/W36): 5-11.
  4. Beeri C., Doytsher Y., Kanza Y., Safra E., Sagiv Y., 2005. "Finding Corresponding Objects when Integrating Several Geo-Spatial Datasets", ACM-GIS'05, 13th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Bremen, Germany, Cyrus Shahabi and Omar Boucelma (eds.), ACM Press, ISBN: 1-59593-146-5.
  5. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2006. “Efficient Integration of Road Maps”. 14th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS), Arlington, Virginia, USA, Va., Silvia Nittel and Rolf A. de By (eds.), ACM Press, ISBN: 1-59593-531-2.
  6. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2006. “Integrating Data from Maps on the World-Wide Web”. 6th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS), Hong Kong, China.
  7. Filin S., Burka A., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Generation of Parcelation Proposals Aided by LiDAR Derived Spatial Cues". Workshop on Spatial Information Management toward Legalizing Informal Urban Development, Athens, Greece.
  8. Safra E., Kanza Y., Dolev N., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2007. “Computing a k-Route over Uncertain Geographical Data”. 10th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Boston, USA.
  9. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2007. "A New Concept for Dynamic Handling of Localized Georegistration Parameters between Two Geospatial Datasets". The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, pp. 429-435, ISBN: 1-4244-1500-4, Las Vegas, USA.
  10. Filin S., Abo Akel N., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Detection and Reconstruction of Free Form Surfaces from Airborne Laser Scanning Data". ISPRS Workshop on Laser Scanning 2007 and SilviLaser 2007, Helsinki, Finland.
  11. Dalyot S., Keinan E., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Landslides Morphology Analysis Model Based on LiDAR and Spatial Topographic Datasets Comparison", Workshop on Spatial Information Management toward Environmental Management of Mega Cities, Valencia, Spain.
  12. Filin S., Borka A., Doytsher Y., 2008. "From 2D to 3D Land Parcelization: Fusion of LiDAR Data and Cadastral Maps", Workshop on Spatial Information Management toward Environmental Management of Mega Cities, Valencia, Spain.
  13. Klebanov M., Doytsher Y., 2008. "A New Mathematical Approach to Cadastral Documents Processing for Parcel Boundaries Restoration", The Fully Refereed track of 2008 FIG Annual conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
  14. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., Katzil Y., 2008. "Digital Terrain Models: A Tool for Establishing Reliable and Qualitative Environmental Control Processes", NATO – ARW Workshop on Geographical Information Processing and Visual Analytics for Environmental Security, Trento, Italy.
  15. Kanza Y., Safra E., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Heuristic Algorithms for Route-Search Queries over Geographical Data". 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS 2008), Irvine, California, USA.
  16. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Hierarchical Modelling of Multi-Geospatial Databases: 3D Analysis Capabilities". 3rd International Workshop on 3D Geo-Information, Seoul, South Korea.
  17. Klebanov M., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Cadastral Triangulation: A Block Adjustment Approach for Joining Numerous Cadastral Blocks". Workshop on Spatial Information for Sustainable Management of Urban Areas, Mainz, Germany
  18. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Improving the Graphical Cadastre Based on Genetic Algorithm Principles", The Fully Refereed track of 2009 FIG Annual conference, Eilat, Israel
  19. Klebanov M., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Establishing an Accurate Continuous Nationwide Cadastre Based on the Cadastral Triangulation Method", The Fully Refereed track of 2009 FIG Annual conference, Eilat, Israel
  20. Dalyot S., Gershkovich A., Doytsher Y., 2010. "A Hierarchical Quality-Dependent Approach toward Establishing a Seamless Nationwide Topographic Database", SDH2010, Hong-Kong.
  21. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Pseudo-Physical Approach for Automated Urban Maps Generalization", Geo 2010, 1st International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications, Washington DC, USA.
  22. Doytsher Y., Kelly P., Khouri R., Mclaren R., Mueller H., Potsiou C., 2010. "Spatial Information Management and the Current Rapid Processes of Urbanization", Spatial Data Infrastructures 2010, Skopje, FYR of Macedonia.
  23. Potsiou C., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Urban Management: Availability of Technical Tools", Spatial Data Infrastructures 2010, Skopje, FYR of Macedonia.
  24. Doytsher y., Galon B., Kanza Y., 2010. "Querying Geo-social Data by Bridging Spatial Networks and Social Networks", 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks", San Jose, CA, USA.
  25. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2010, "Genetic Algorithms: A Stochastic Approach for Improving the Current Cadastre Accuracies", Joint Workshop of FIG Commissions 3 (Spatial Information Management) & 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) on “Information and Land Management. A Decade after the Millennium”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  26. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2011. "A Hierarchal Approach toward Time-Dependent Topographic Visualization", the 14th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information on "Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World", Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  27. Doytsher Y., Galon B., Kanza Y., 2011. "Storing Routes in Socio-Spatial Networks and Supporting Social-Based Route Recommendation", 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2011), Chicago, IL, USA.
  28. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Fast and Accurate Visibility Computation in a 3D Urban Environment", the 4th International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2012, Valencia, Spain, ISBN: 978-1-61208-178-6, pp. 105-110, Best Paper Award.
  29. Doytsher Y., Galon B., Kanza Y., 2012. "Querying Socio-spatial Networks on the World-Wide Web", 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'2012), Lyon, France
  30. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Spatial 3D Analysis of Built-up Areas", FIGWW 2012, Rome, Italy, FIG Article of the month, April 2012.
  31. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Visibility Algorithms for 3D Environments", The Israel Machine Vision Conference (IMVC) 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel
  32. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Localized Accuracy Assessment of Topographic Databases: ASTER Case Study", 15th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), Bonn, Germany
  33. Doytsher Y., Galon B., Kanza Y., 2012. "Managing Socio-spatial Data as Large Graphs", 1st International Workshop on Large Scale Network Analysis (LNSA 2012) , in conjunction with World Wide Web Conference, Lyon, France (Invited paper)
  34. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Fast Visibility Analysis in 3D Procedural Modeling Environments", COM.Geo 2012, The 3rd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications, Washington DC, USA, DOI: 1145/2345316.2345348
  35. Shashkov A., Fisher-Gewirtzman D., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Volumetric Visibility Analysis Model for Urban Environments", Joint FIG/UN ECE Workshop on "Spatial Information, Informal Development, Property and Housing", Athens, Greece
  36. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Planning Hidden Trajectories in 3D Environments Using Fast Visibility Computation", The Israeli Conference of Avionics 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel
  37. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2013. "Urban Perspectives: A Raster-Based Approach to 3D Generalization of Groups of Buildings", The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, ISBN: 978-1-61208-251-6, pp. 67-72, Nice, France, Best Paper Award.
  38. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2013. "Dynamic Objects Effect on Visibility Analysis in 3D Urban Environments", The 12th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2013), Banff, Alberta, Canada
  39. Ben-Hain G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2013." Geostatistical Approach for Computating Absolute Vertical Accuracy of Digital Terrain Models", COM.Geo 2013, The 4th International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications, p. 32–39, San Jose, California, USA
  40. Ben-Hain G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2013. "2D Point Sets Registration: Aggregative Triangulation-Based Voting Algorithm", SDI & SIM 2013 Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures & Spatial Information Management, Skopje, Macedonia
  41. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Spatial Visibility Clustering Analysis in Urban Environments Based on Pedestrians' Mobility Datasets", The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Barcelona, Spain, Best Paper Award.
  42. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Preparing Simplified 3D Scenes of Multiple LODs of Buildings in Urban Areas Based on A Raster Approach and Information Theory", 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Riviera, Bulgaria.
  43. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Fast Visible and Hidden Trajectory Planning for AUV in Cluttered Environments", Int. Conference of Undersea Defense Technology (UDT), Liverpool , UK, 2014.
  44. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Local Absolute Vertical Accuracy Evaluation of Wide-Coverage Digital Terrain Models based on Data Error Characterization", Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
  45. Dror T., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Crowdsourcing and Wisdom of the Crowd: the Location Based Services Perspective". FIG COM3 Conference on "Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM", Bologna, Italy, Second Best Paper Award.
  46. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2015. "Sensors Placement in Urban Environments Using Genetic Algorithms”, The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Lisbon, Portugal.
  47. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2015. "A Segmentation-based Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Polygon Data”, The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, ISBN: 978-1-61208-383-4, pp. 69-74, Lisbon, Portugal, Best Paper Award.
  48. Golub D., Doytsher Y., Fisher-Gewirtzman D., 2015, "Quantitative Model for Three-Dimensional Analysis of Urban Environments Indicating Qualitative Aspects”, Joint Workshop FIG Commission 3 & Commission 7 on "Crowdsourcing of Land Information", Malta
  49. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2016. "A Linear Approach for Spatial Data Integration”, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, ISBN: 978-1-61208-469-5 , pp. 93-99, Venice, Italy,  Best Paper Award
  50. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2016. "Rectilinear approach to 3D Generalization of Building Models", FIG Commission 3 Workshop, joint to International Symposium GEOMAT, Iasi, Romania, Best Paper Award.
  51. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2017. ”Fast Visible Trajectory Spatial Analysis in 3D Urban Environments Based on Local Point Clouds Data”, International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Nice, France, Best Paper Award.
  52. Gal O., Doytsher Y, 2018. ”Motion Planning in 3D Environments Using Visibility Velocity Obstacles”, International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Rome, Italy, Best Paper Award.
  53. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2018. ”Visible Routes In 3D Dense City Using Reinforcement Learning,” The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XLII-4/W10., pp. 41-46.
  54. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2019. ”Spatial Visibility Trajectory Planning Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning”, The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation, INFOCOMP 2019, Best Paper Award.
  55. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2020. ”Toward Smart City Coverage Using Optimized Visibility Analysis from Geospatial Data”, Land and Poverty Conference 2021, Washington, DC.
  56. .Gal O, Doytsher Y., 2021. ”Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spatial Motion Planning in 3D Environments”, GEOProcessing 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.
  57. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2022. ”Decentralized Swarms Visibility Algorithms in 3D Urban Environments ”, GEOProcessing 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services. Best Paper Award.
  58. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2023. “Autonomous Drone Landing in 3D Urban Environment Using Real-Time Visibility Analysis”, GEOProcessing 2023, The fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services. Best Paper Award.

Papers in Conference Proceedings (with Referees)

  1. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1978. "DTM in the Form of Quadrilaterals and its Use for Contour Drawing", DTM Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
  2. Doytsher Y., 1979. "Methods and Software for Creating Data-Bases for Town Planning Compatible for Mini-Computers", 7th European Symposium – Urban Data Management, Hague, Netherlands.
  3. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1980. "Adjustment of Overlapping Areas in Neighboring Models", 14th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry, Hamburg, West Germany.
  4. Doytsher Y., 1980. "Application of Graphical Means for Presenting Qualitative and Quantitative Information in the Urban Design Process", 10th International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Tokyo, Japan.
  5. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1980. "Automatic Mapping by Mini-Computer", 10th International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Tokyo, Japan.
  6. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1981. "Transformation of Conformal Projections for Graphical Purposes", 1981 ASP-ACSM Annual Convention, Washington DC, USA.
  7. Doytsher Y., 1981. "New Methods for Processing Data Digitized from Planimetric Maps", 8th European Symposium – Urban Data Management, Oslo, Norway.
  8. Doytsher Y., 1981. "Numerical Processing of Graphical Cadastral Information", 16th International Congress of Surveyors, Montreux, Switzerland, (Invited Paper).
  9. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1982. "Girds of Elevations and Topographic Maps", AUTO-CARTO 5, Washington DC, USA.
  10. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1983. "Automation in Cadastral Mapping", AUTO-CARTO 6, Ottawa, Canada, (Plenary Paper).
  11. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1885. "Terrain Analysis for Communication Purposes", AUTO-CARTO 7, Washington DC, USA.
  12. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1985. "Automated Mapping", AUTO-CARTO 7, Washington DC, USA.
  13. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1986. "Digital Mapping of Urban Areas at Large Scales", 1986 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Washington DC, USA.
  14. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1986. "Intersecting Layers of Information – A Computerized Solution", AUTO-CARTO LONDON, London, England, (Plenary Paper).
  15. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1987. "Matching of Features in Overlapping Areas of Photogrammetric Models", 1987 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  16. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1988. "An Algorithm to Assemble Polygons", 1988 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
  17. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1989. "Conversion of Contours", AUTO-CARTO 9, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  18. Maor B., Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1989. "Quantitative Definition of Cartographic Information", 14th International Cartographic Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  19. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1990. "DTM – Accuracy Estimates", 4th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Zurich, Switzerland, (Plenary Paper).
  20. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1991. "Incorporating Known External Data in Information Digitized from Cadastral Maps", 1991 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  21. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1991. "A New Method for Matching Digitized Cadastral Maps", 1991 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  22. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1992. "Evaluation of Town Plans", 1992 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
  23. Doytsher Y., Shmutter B., 1994. "Digital Elevation Model of Dead Ground", Symposium on Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (Commission IV of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Athens, Georgia, USA.
  24. Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 1994. "Automatic Adjustment of Line Maps", 1994 GIS/LIS Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, pp. 333-444.
  25. Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 1995. "Automatic Feature Correction in Merging of Line Maps", 1995 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, pp.404-410.
  26. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 1995. "Accuracy of GIS Databases – the DTM Component and Derived Applications", Symposium on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data (Commission IV of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  27. Doytsher Y., 1996. "Multi Informational Urban Mapping", 1996 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  28. Doytsher Y., Forrai J., 1996. "The New Israeli Regulations for Geodesy, Surveying and Mapping", 1996 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  29. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 1997. "Data Matching Aspects in Temporal Cadastral Information Systems", 1997 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  30. Beller A., Doytsher Y., Shimbursky E., 1997. "Practical Linear Conflation in an Innovative Software Environment", 1997 ACSM-ASPRS Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  31. Fradkin K., Doytsher Y., 1997. "A Method for Establishing an Accurate Urban Digital cadastre in Israel", 1997 GIS/LIS Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
  32. Haklay M., Feitelson E., Doytsher Y., 1997. "The Use of GIS for the Scoping of Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment", 1997 GIS/LIS Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
  33. Coren I., Doytsher Y., 1998. "Cartographic Edge Matching: Mapping The Problem Towards A Computer Based Solution", 1998 ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  34. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 1998. "Conflation – The Linear Matching Issue", 1998 ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  35. Fradkin K., Doytsher Y., 1998. "Establishing a Digital cadastre in Israel", 21st International Congress of Surveyors, Brighton, England.
  36. Doytsher Y., Forrai J., Krupnik A., 1999. "The New Israeli Regulations for Surveying and Mapping: Standardization of Digital Cartography”, 19th International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Ottawa, Canada, CD Proceedings, Section 02, pp. 100-104.
  37. Doytsher Y., Forrai J., Krupnik A., 1999. "The 1998 Israeli Regulations for Surveying and Mapping: Standards and Regulations of Spatial Information”, 1999 FIG Commission 3 Annual Workshop and Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, CD Proceedings – session 4(3):1-5.
  38. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Toward an Integrated Solution for an Optimized Vector-Database Updating Process”, 19th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, CD Proceedings Part 4A: 186-192.
  39. Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2000. "A Linear Conflation Approach for the Integration of Photogrammetric Information and GIS Data in Map Revision Processes”, 19th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, CD Proceedings Part 3A: 276-282.
  40. Doytsher Y., 2000. "Spatial Information Infrastructures in Israel: Toward the 21st Century”, 2000 FIG Commission 3 Annual Workshop and Seminar, Athens, Greece, CD Proceedings, (Invited Paper).
  41. Nimre S., Doytsher Y., 2000. "An Alignment Process of Master Plans at Large Scale in a GIS Environment”, 2000 FIG Commission 3 Annual Workshop and Seminar, Athens, Greece, CD Proceedings.
  42. Doytsher Y., Katzil Y., Veidman A., Zalmanson G., 2001.” 3D Spatial Conflation: A Tool for Improved Digital Terrain Representation”, GISRUK’2001.
  43. Doytsher Y., Forrai J., Kirschner G., 2001. “Initiatives toward a 3D GIS-Related Multi-Layer Digital Cadastre in Israel”, FWW 2001, Seoul, Korea.
  44. Itzhak E. Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Analytical Generalization of Topographic and Hydrographic Data and its Cartographic Display”, ICC-2001, 20th International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Beijing, China.
  45. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2001. "On the Role of Quality Relations in Patch-Based Spatial Data Updating”, ICC-2001, 20th International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Beijing, China.
  46. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y. 2001, “Research toward a Multilayer 3-D Cadastre: Interim Results”, International Workshop on "3D Cadastres", Delft, Netherlands.
  47. Guienko G., Doytsher Y., 2002. “From Pixels on Image to Boundaries in GIS: Extraction of Roads with Uncertain Edges”, GISRUK’2002, UK.
  48. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2002. "A Step Toward Accuracy-Based Vector-Data Prioritizing", 22nd International Congress of Surveyors, Washington DC, USA,.
  49. Gavish Y., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Analytical Cadastre in Israel: Restoring Land Boundaries Based On Photogrammetric Tools", 22nd International Congress of Surveyors, Washington DC, USA.
  50. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 2002. "A Multilayer 3-D Cadastre: Problems and Results", 22nd International Congress of Surveyors, Washington DC, USA, (Invited Paper).
  51. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2002. “Random Fields and Marked Point Processes: A Practical Comparison of Two Stochastic Models”, Joint Workshop on Multi-Scale Representations of Spatial Data organized by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Ottawa, Canada.
  52. Du W., Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 2002. “Scalable and Interoperable Tourism Information System Based on WebGIS”, 1st Asian International Conference of Mapping Technologies – "Map Asia 2002", Bangkok, Thailand.
  53. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2003. “Peak Matching for a Preliminary False Alarm Filtering in Building Detection”, ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference, Anchorage, Alaska.
  54. Abo Akel N., Zilberstein O., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Automatic DTM Extraction from Dense Raw LIDAR Data in Urban Areas", FIGWW 2003, Paris, France.
  55. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Accounting for Discontinuities in Cadastral Data Accuracy: Toward a Patch-Based Approach", FIGWW 2003, Paris, France.
  56. Itzhak E., Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Analytical Generalization of Hydrographic Data", ICC-2003, 21st International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa.
  57. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2003. "“Fuzzy” Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Making: Accounting for Data Uncertainty", 7th South East Asian Survey Congress (SEASC2003).
  58. Lichtenstein A., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Geospatial Aspects of Merging DTM with Breaklines", FIGWW 2004, Athens, Greece.
  59. Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y., Schenk T., 2004. "Towards A New Paradigm for Registration of SAR Images Using Linear Features", 20th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey.
  60. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2004. "A Combined Automated Generalization Model of Spatial Active Objects", 20th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey.
  61. Abo Akel N., Zilberstein O., Doytsher Y., 2004. "A Robust Method Used with Orthogonal Polynomials and the Road Network for Automatic Terrain Surface Extraction from LIDAR Data in Urban Areas", 20th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey.
  62. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Semiautomatic 3D Mapping of Buildings from Medium Scale (1:40,000) Aerial Photographs", 20th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey.
  63. Akev A., Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Linear Feature Based Aerial Triangulation", 20th Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey.
  64. Katzil Y., Doytsher Y., 2005. “Spatial Rubber Sheeting of DTMs”, 6th Geomatic Week Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  65. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2005. "From Airborne Laser Data to Spatial Information: Object Reconstruction and Accuracy Analysis", FIG Working Week 2005 and the 8th International Conference of GSDI, Cairo, Egypt.
  66. Filin S., Kulakov Y., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Application of Airborne Laser Technology to 3D Cadastre", FIG Working Week 2005 and the 8th International Conference of GSDI, Cairo, Egypt.
  67. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2005. "A Combined Automated Generalization Model Based on the Relative Forces between Spatial Objects", ICC-2005, 22nd International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Coruna, Spain.
  68. Itzhak E., Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Analytic Generalization of Topographic Data", ICC-2005, 22nd International Conference of the International Cartographic Association, Coruna, Spain.
  69. Safra E., Doytsher Y., 2006. "Integrating a Sequence of Geo-Spatial Datasets", GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference (GISRUK'06), Nottingham, UK.
  70. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2006. "A Pyramidal Approach for Merging Topographic Datasets", GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference (GISRUK'06), Nottingham, UK.
  71. Katzil Y., Doytsher Y., 2006. "Piecewise Spatial Conflation and Merging of DTMs: Continuous Transition of Overlapping Zones", ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  72. Avrahami Y, Raizman Y, Doytsher Y., 2006. "Spatial Conflation of Non-Planar Polygons toward Automation in Buildings Extraction from Aerial Photographs", ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  73. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2006. "Pyramidal Approach toward Merging Topographic Data from Different DTM Datasets", ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  74. Safra E., Doytsher Y., 2006. "Integration of Multiple Geo-Spatial Datasets", ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  75. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2006. "Reconstruction of Buildings from Airborne Laser Scanning Data", ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada.
  76. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2006. "A Hierarchical Approach toward 3-D Geo-Spatial Terrain Merging", Symposium on Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development (Commission IV of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Goa, India, Volume XXXVI part 4.
  77. Safra E., Doytsher Y., 2006. “Using Matching Algorithms for Improving Locations in Cadastral Maps”. 13th International FIG Congress, Munich, Germany.
  78. Abo-Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2007. "City Modeling and Complex Building Shape Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Data", 2007 Annual Conference of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), Tampa, USA.
  79. Kraus Y., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Precise Coordinate LIS for Improving Planning and Land Registration Processes in the Modern Real Estate Markets", FIGWW 2007, Hong Kong, China.
  80. Keinan E., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Toward Automatic Generation of Digital True Orthophoto by Using Dense LiDAR Data", 2008 Annual Conference of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), Portland, Oregon, USA.
  81. Dolev N., Kanza Y., Doytsher Y., 2008, "Efficient Orienteering-Route Search over Uncertain Spatial Datasets", FIGWW 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
  82. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2008. "An Automated Cartographic Generalization Process: A Pseudo-Physical Model", 21st Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, China.
  83. Dalyot S., Keinan E., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Toward Continuous and Updated 3D Geospatial Terrain Modeling Based on DTM and LiDAR Data", 21st Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, China.
  84. Navon R., Khoury S., Shpatnitsky Y., Doytsher Y., 2008, "Productivity Control in Road Construction", 16th International Conference of the International Society for Terrain Vehicle Systems, Torino, Italy
  85. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2009, "A Neural Network Based Approach toward Automated Real-Time Cartographic Generalization", 2009 Annual Conference of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  86. Gelbman E., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Authentic Measurements as a Basis for a Cadastral GIS", FIGWW 2009, Eilat, Israel.
  87. Rybowski R., Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2009, "Mapping Linear Networks Based on Cellular Phone Tracking", FIGWW 2009, Eilat, Israel.
  88. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher, 2009, "Near Real Time Automated Generalization for Mobile Devices", FIGWW 2009, Eilat, Israel.
  89. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2009 "Novel Real-Time Coordinate Transformations based on N-Dimensional Geo-Registration Parameters' Matrices", FIGWW 2009, Eilat, Israel.
  90. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2009. "Producing Seamless Multi-Source Quality-Dependent Digital Terrain Models”. 7th FIG Regional Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  91. Potsiou C., Doytsher Y., 2009. "Technical Tools for Environmental Urban Management". 7th FIG Regional Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  92. Doytsher Y., Kelly P., Khouri R., McLaren R., Mueller H., Potsiou C., 2010. "Rapid Urbanization and Mega Cities: The Need for Spatial Information Management", XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia (Invited Paper).
  93. Doytsher Y., 2010. "Technical Innovation in Management of Spatial Data ", XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia (Invited Paper).
  94. Katzil Y., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Consistent Color Resample in Digital Orthophoto Production", 2010 Annual Conference of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), San Diego, California, USA
  95. Doytsher Y., 2010. "Spatial Innovation for Cities", GSDI 12 World Conference (the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association), Singapore.
  96. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Toward Analytical Cadastre – Case Studies Based on Genetic Algorithm", FIGWW 2012, Rome, Italy.
  97. Doytsher Y., 2013. "Innovations in the Geospatial Data Technologies", FIG Pacific Small Island Developing States Symposium, Suva, Fiji.
  98. Doytsher Y., 2015. "The FIG Com 3 Publication on the Potential of Crowdsourcing in Geospatial Data Collection", Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015: Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity, Washington, DC, USA.
  99. Shnaidman A., Doytsher Y., 2016. "Toward Analytical Cadastre – A Basis for Efficient Land Management", Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2016: Scaling up Responsible Land Governance, Washington, DC, USA.
  100. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2018. "Visible Routes in 3D Dense City Using Reinforcement Learning", 2018 3D GeoInfo Conference, Delft, The Netherlands.
  101. Massad I., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2018. "Implementing SIFT and Bi-Triangular Plane Transformation for Integrating Digital Terrain Models", ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018, Delft, The Netherlands.
  102. Dror T., Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2018. "A Statistical Investigation of the Credibility of Using the Last Version in OpenStreetMap", ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2018, Delft, The Netherlands.
  103. Jaljolie , Doytsher Y., Riekkinen K., Dalyot S., 2018. "An Applicative Approach for Spatial Relationships Determination of 3D Volumetric Parcels In 3D Cadastral Systems", 13th 3D GeoInfo Conference, Delft, The Netherlands.
  104. Cetl V., Charalabos I., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., Felus Y., Haklay M., Mueller H., Potsiou C., Rispoli E., Siriba D., 2018. "New Trends in Spatial Information: Surveyors Role in the Era of Crowdsourcing and VGI", Joint TUFE2018 Conference, Athens, Greece.
  105. Jaljolie R., Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2019. "An Applicative Approach for Cadastral Processes Implementation in Multi-Dimensional Land Management Systems", Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2019: Catalyzing Innovation, Washington, DC, USA.
  106. Doytsher Y., 2019. "Crowdsourcing vs. Wisdom of the Crowd: The Implementation in the Geo-Science Domain", FIGWW 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Papers in Local Conference Proceedings

  1. Doytsher Y., 1981, "Improvement of Graphical Cadastral Data", Conference Proceedings on Automated Mapping, Haifa, Israel, pp. 61-75.
  2. Doytsher Y., 1990, "Data Collection for Land Information Systems – Problems and Solutions", Conference Proceedings on Information Systems for Municipal Planning and Management, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 58-60.
  3. Doytsher Y., 1991, "Geodetic Aspects in Establishing Multi-Layer GIS Projects", 1991 Conference Proceedings on Innovation in Geodesy, Haifa, Israel, pp. 91-93.
  4. Doytsher Y., 1993, "Ethics, Reliability and GIS", 1992 Conference Proceedings on LIS/GIS, Haifa, Israel, pp. 69-72.
  5. Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 1995. "Adjustment of Line Maps", 1995 Conference Proceedings on LIS/GIS, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 63-71.
  6. Doytsher Y., 1995. "Digital Urban Mapping in Israel”, Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 76-80.
  7. Doytsher Y., 1996. "Geometric Correction of Building Collected from Photogrammetric Models”, 1996 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 8-17.
  8. Fradkin K., Doytsher Y., 1996. "Accuracy Analysis as a Basis for the Definition of Digital cadastre”, 1996 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 27-36.
  9. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 1996. "Temporal Land Information Systems”, 1996 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 52-61.
  10. Doytsher Y., 1997. "Automatic Selection of Points for Map Transformations”, 1997 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 118-121.
  11. Fradkin K., Doytsher Y., 1997. "Analytical Reconstruction of Cadastral Boundaries”, 1997 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 110-117.
  12. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 1997. "Applications of TLIS Geographic Information Systems”, 1997 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 74-87.
  13. Doytsher Y., 1998. "Dynamic Cartography – Focusing by Zones”, 1998 Cartographic Annual Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 61-69.
  14. Doytsher Y., 1998. "Developments in the Israeli Cadastral System”, 1998 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Haifa, Israel, pp. 32-43.
  15. Doytsher Y., 1999. "Using Map Conflation for the Improvement of Georeferenced Data”, 1999 Cartographic Annual Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 63-73.
  16. Doytsher Y., 1999, "Analytical and Digital Cadastre in Israel – in Two and Three Dimensions", 1999 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 40-44.
  17. Krupnik A., Doytsher Y., 1999, "Digital Photogrammetry for the Preparation of Registration Plans", 1999 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 28-31.
  18. Itzhak E. Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Generalization of hydrology and topographic information”, 2000 Cartographic Annual Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 34-48.
  19. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Updating Geographic Vector Data: Challenges and Possible Solutions”, 2000 Israeli Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 41-50.
  20. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., Gavish Y., 2000. "Different Techniques for Strengthening the Cadastre", 2000 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 28-35.
  21. Doytsher Y., Forrai J., Kirschner G., 2001. "Preparations Toward a 3D Analytical Cadastre in Israel”, 2000 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 1-20.
  22. Doytsher Y., 2001. "New Geodetic Curricula at the Technion”, 2000 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 33-38.
  23. Itzhak E. Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Generalization of hydrology and topographic information – Intermediate Research Results”, 2001 Cartographic Annual Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 66-78.
  24. Gavish Y., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Using Photogrammetric Tools for Reconstructing Cadastral Boundaries", 2001 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  25. Gelbman E., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", 2001 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  26. Doytsher Y., 2001. "Integration of Multi-Layer 3D Cadastral Information in a GIS Environment", 2001 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  27. Nimre S., Doytsher Y., 2001. "A Relative GIS Adjustment of Large-scale Master Plans", 2001 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  28. Croitoru A., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Collocation as an Analyzing Tool of Non-Homogeneous Cadastral Information", 2001 Conference Proceedings on Geodesy and Surveying, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  29. Gabbay M., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Digital Generalization of Buildings in Urban Area", 2002 Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and the Israeli Cartographic Association, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  30. Cohen Y., Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Integrating Pseudo Hydrological Logic in Road Extraction", 2002 Annual Conference of the Israeli Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and the Israeli Cartographic Association, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  31. Benhamu M., Doytsher Y., 2002. “Research toward a Multilayer 3-D Cadastre”, Workshop on 3D Cadastre, Jerusalem, Israel.
  32. Doytsher Y., Beler A., 2003. "Topology Aspects for Establishing a 3D Cadastre within a GIS Environment", 2003 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  33. Doytsher Y., Croitoru A., 2003, “Collocation Based Analysis as a Tool for Examining Quality Relations between Different Data Sources”, 2003 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  34. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2003, “Incorporating Authentic Measurements as a Tool for Establishing an Analytical Cadastre”, 2003 Annual Conference: Research within Survey of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  35. Doytsher Y., 2003, “Integration of Distributed Geographic Information: Problems, Challenges and Solutions”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  36. Gabay Y., Doytsher Y., 2003, “Digital Maps: Line Matching by Shape Similarity”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  37. Beit-Yaakov Y., Shoshany M., Krupnik A., Doytsher Y., 2003, “A Quantitative Index for analyzing Existence of Buildings in Photographs”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  38. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2003, “Semi-Automatic Non-Spatial Algorithms for Mapping of Buildings from Medium Scale Aerial Photograph”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  39. Abo Akel N., Zilberstein O., Doytsher Y., 2003, “Methods for Automatic Terrain Surface Extraction from LIDAR Data”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  40. Akev O., Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y., 2003, “A Fast Technique for Defining a 3D Model of Spatial Free Curves”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  41. Topel L., Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2003, “Verifying Roads within Geographic Information Systems based on Image Processing of Varying Scale Digital Images”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  42. Nimre S., Lindenbaum M., Doytsher Y., 2003, “Spectral Comparison of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Disturbing Factors in the Change Detection Process”, 2003 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Shefaim, Israel.
  43. Itzhak E. Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Geospatial Information: Characteristics and the Selection Process Principles”, 2004 Cartography and GIS Annual Conference, Haifa, Israel.
  44. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Automatic Reconstruction of Buildings from LiDAR Data”, 2005 Israeli Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  45. Avrahami Y., Raizman Y., Doytsher Y., 2005. "Algorithms for Extracting Spatial Polygons from Aerial Photographs for Semi-Automatic Mapping of Roofs”, 2005 Israeli Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  46. Shragai Z., Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y., 2006, "An Automatic Process for Solving a Sequence of Photographs", 2006 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  47. Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Spatial Terrain Modeling: A Hierarchical Approach toward Fusion of Topographic Models”, 2007 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  48. Safra E., Kanza Y., Sagiv Y., Doytsher Y., 2007. “Integrating Geo-Spatial Data from the Internet”. 2007 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  49. Joubran Abu Daoud J., Doytsher Y., 2008. "A Pseudo-Physical Model for a Holistic Automated Cartographic Generalization", 2007 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  50. Dalyot S., Keinan E., Doytsher Y., 2008. "A Continuous and Updated Terrain Modeling Based: DTM and LiDAR ", 2008 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  51. Navon R., Khoury S., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Automatic Progress and Productivity Control in Road Construction", 2008 Conference of Project Managers by the Israeli Union for Construction and Infrastructure, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  52. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Genetic Algorithms: a Stochastically Approach for Improving the Accuracy of the Current Cadastre" ,2010 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  53. Dalyot S., Gershkovich A., Doytsher Y., "A Hierarchical Quality-Dependent Approach toward Establishing a Seamless Nationwide Topographic Database" ,2010 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel (based on the peer-review SDH2010 paper)
  54. Dolev N., Doytsher Y., 2010. "A Hierarchical Approach to an Autonomous Solution of Photographs Based on Terrestrial Control from GIS Data" ,2010 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  55. Abo Akel N., Filin S., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Algorithms for Extracting and Reconstructing Complex Buildings from LiDAR Data", 2010 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  56. Shnaidman A., Shoshani U., Doytsher Y., 2011. "Preliminary Results of Developing Analytical Cadastre Based on Genetic Algorithms" ,2011 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  57. Dolev N., Doytsher Y., 2011. "Semi-Automatic Solution for Small-Scale Single Photographs Based on Nationwide GIS Layers " ,2011 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  58. Rybowski R., Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2011. "Mapping Transportation Networks by Using Cellular Technology", 2011 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  59. Klebanov M., Doytsher Y., 2011. "A Comprehensive Method of Cadastral Triangulation to Establishing A Nationwide Coordinates Based Cadastre", 2011 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  60. Gal O., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Visibility Analysis and Modeling of 3D GIS", 2012 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  61. Galon B., Kanza Y., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Challenges in Building a Social Network as a Basis for Location-Based Services (LBS)", 2012 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  62. Ben-Haim G., Doytsher Y., 2012. "Alternatives for a Comparison between Metric Digital Elevations Models and Geographic Digital Elevations Models", 2012 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  63. Shashkov A., Fisher-Gewirtzman D., Doytsher Y., 2012. "3D Urban Environment Visual Analysis Model", 2012 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  64. Doytsher Y., 2012. "FIG Commission 3 on Spatial Information Management: Tasks and Challenges", 8th FIG Regional Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  65. Doytsher Y., 2013. "Toward Establishing an Accurate Continuous Nationwide Cadastre in Israel: A Deterministic vs. Stochastic Approach", 44th National Congress of Italian Surveyors, Rimini, Italy (invited).
  66. Ben-Haim G., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Georeferencing of 2D Point datasets based on a triangulation voting algorithm ", 2014 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  67. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2014. "Generalization of Buildings as a Basis for 3D Perspectives of Urban Areas", 2014 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  68. Sarid Y., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2015. “Initial Analysis Results in Establishing an Undulation Hybrid Model in Israel”, 2015 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information (Mapping and measurement in urban areas), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  69. Dror T., Dalyot S., Doytsher Y., 2015. “Quantitative Assessment ofCrowdsourcingParadigmofGeographic Information: An Examination of theLocation-Based Services”, 2015 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information (Mappingand measurementin urban areas), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  70. Noskov A., Doytsher Y., 2016. "Optimal Adjustment between Master Plans and Cadastral Data", 2016 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information (GeodesyandSurveying for National Infrastructures), Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  71. Sarid Y, Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2018. "Hybrid Geoid in Israel", 2018 Conference on Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information (Measurement, planning, licensing and registration toward smart cities), Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Research Reports

  1. Shmutter B., Doytsher Y., 1993. "Using GIS in the Process of Registration of Residential Buildings", Research grant No.601-001, Final report. (in Hebrew).
  2. Doytsher Y., 1996. "Analytical Cadastre in Israel", Research grant No.018-008, Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  3. Doytsher Y., Krupnik A., 1996. "Using Digital Photogrammetry and Orthophoto for the Preparation of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009, Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  4. Doytsher Y., Krupnik A., 1997. "Using Digital Photogrammetry and Orthophoto for the Preparation of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009, Report No. 2. (in Hebrew).
  5. Doytsher Y., Krupnik A., 1997. "Using Digital Photogrammetry and Orthophoto for the Preparation of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009, Report No. 3. – Final report (in Hebrew).
  6. Doytsher Y., 1997. "Analytical Cadastre in Israel", Research grant No.018-008, Report No. 2/3/4 – Final report. (in Hebrew).
  7. Doytsher Y., 1998. "Multi-Layer 3D Cadastre", Research grant No.018-013, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  8. Doytsher Y., 1998. "Analytical Cadastre in Israel", Research grant No.018-008, Phase B.1 – Final Report. (in Hebrew).
  9. Krupnik A., Doytsher Y., 1999. "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009 (Second year), Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  10. Krupnik A., Doytsher Y., 1999. "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009 (Second year), Report No. 2. (in Hebrew).
  11. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 1999. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  12. Krupnik A., Doytsher Y., 1999. "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans", Research grant No.018-009 (Second year), Report No. 3. – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  13. Doytsher Y., Beeri C., Krupnik A., Gabay Y., Forrai J., 2000. "An Integrated Spatial Database Generated from Distributed Geographic Information", Research grant No.018-016, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  14. Doytsher Y., 2000. "Restoring Cadastral Land Boundaries by Using Photogrammetry for the Establishment of Analytical Cadastre in Israel", Research grant No.018-024, Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  15. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2000. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Report No. 2. (in Hebrew).
  16. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2000. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No.018-022, Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  17. Doytsher Y., 2000. "Restoring Cadastral Land Boundaries by Using Photogrammetry for the Establishment of Analytical Cadastre in Israel", Research grant No.018-024, Report No. 2/3 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  18. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2000. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Report No. 3 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  19. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2001. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No.018-022, Report No. 2 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  20. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2001. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Second year – Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  21. Doytsher Y., 2001. "Integration of Multi Layer 3D Cadastral Information in a GIS Environment", Research grant No.018-027, Report No. 1 – Annual Report. (in Hebrew).
  22. Doytsher Y., Beeri C., Krupnik A., Gabay Y., Forrai J., 2001. "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information", Research grant No.018-019, First Year – Final Report.
  23. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2001. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Second year – Report No. 2/3/4 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  24. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No.018-022, Second year – Report No. 1. (in Hebrew).
  25. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2002. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Third year – Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  26. Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", Research grant No.018-029, Report No. 1.
  27. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No. 018-022, Second year – Report No. 2 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  28. Doytsher Y., Lindenbaum M., 2002. "Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation", Research grant No.018-030, Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  29. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2002. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Third year – Report No. 2/3 – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  30. Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2002. "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", Research grant No.018-029, Report No. 2 – Final Report.
  31. Doytsher Y., Beeri C., Krupnik A., Forrai J., 2002. "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information", Research grant No.018-019, Second Year – Final Report.
  32. Doytsher Y., Lindenbaum M., 2003. "Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation", Research grant No.018-030, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  33. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No. 018-022, Third year – Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  34. Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", Research grant No.018-029, Second year – Report No. 1.
  35. Doytsher Y., Gelbman E., 2003. "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", Research grant No.018-021, Third year – Final Report (in Hebrew).
  36. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No. 018-022, Third year – Annual Report (in Hebrew).
  37. Beller A., Doytsher Y., 2003. "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", Research grant No.018-029, Second year – Annual Report.
  38. Doytsher Y., Beeri C., Forrai J., 2003. "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information", Research grant No.018-019, Third Year – Final Report.
  39. Doytsher Y., Sester M., 2004. "Interpretation and Generalization of Dense Digital Terrain Models (DTM’s)", Research grant No.018-031, First Year – Final Report.
  40. Shoshany M., Doytsher Y., 2004. "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification", Research grant No. 018-022, Fourth year – Annual Report (in Hebrew).
  41. Baker R., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Development of Tools for Construction of Regional Stability Maps for Preliminary Site Designation in Hilly Area Development Regions", Research grant No. 1006961, First Report (in Hebrew).
  42. Doytsher Y., 2007. "Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation", Research grant No.018-030, Second Phase, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  43. Doytsher Y., Sester M., 2007. "Interpretation and Generalization of Dense Digital Terrain Models (DTM’s)", Research grant No.018-031, Final Report.
  44. Navon R., Khoury S., Doytsher Y., 2007. "Developing an Innovative Equipment Control System for Road Paving Projects", Research grant No. 2007432, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  45. Baker R., Doytsher Y., 2008. "Development of Tools for Construction of Regional Stability Maps for Preliminary Site Designation in Hilly Area Development Regions", Research grant No. 1006961, Second Report (in Hebrew).
  46. Baker R., Doytsher Y., 2010. "Development of Tools for Construction of Regional Stability Maps for Preliminary Site Designation in Hilly Area Development Regions", Research grant No. 1006961, Final Report (in Hebrew).
  47. Doytsher Y., Kanza Y., Seidl T., 2013. "Managing and Analyzing Location History of Individuals and Crowds for Urban Planning", Research grant No. 2016118, Final Report.
  48. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2014. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  49. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., Sarid Y., 2014. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  50. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2014. “5DMuPLIS: 5D Multi-Purpose Land Information System”, Research grant No. 2020347, Report No. 1
  51. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., Sarid Y., 2014. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 2 (in Hebrew).
  52. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2014. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report No. 2 (in Hebrew).
  53. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2014. “3D Cadastre Functional Report” Research grant No. 2020347, Report No.1.
  54. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2014. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 3 (in Hebrew).
  55. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2014. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report No. 3 (in Hebrew).
  56. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2014. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 4 (in Hebrew).
  57. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2014. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report No. 4 (in Hebrew).
  58. Kanza Y., Doytsher Y., Bekhor S., Sagiv Y., Cohen S., 2014. “Managing Social, Geospatial and Transportational Data to Effectively Evacuate and Aid Earthquake Survivors“, Research grant No. 2020295, Report 1.
  59. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Optimal Fusion of Topographic Models from Various Sources”, Research grant No. 2019466, Report No. 1 (in Hebrew).
  60. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 5 (in Hebrew).
  61. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2015. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report No. 5 (in Hebrew).
  62. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 6 (in Hebrew).
  63. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Optimal Fusion of Topographic Models from Various Sources”, Research grant No. 2019466, Report No. 2 (in Hebrew).
  64. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 7 (in Hebrew).
  65. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 8 (in Hebrew).
  66. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2015. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Sixth Report No. 6 (in Hebrew).
  67. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2015. “Optimal Fusion of Topographic Models from Various Sources”, Research grant No. 2019466, Final Report.
  68. Doytsher Y., Dalyot S., 2016. “Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel”, Research grant No. 2019316, Report No. 9 – Final (in Hebrew).
  69. Kanza Y., Doytsher Y., Bekhor S., Sagiv Y., Cohen S., 2015. “Managing Social, Geospatial and Transportational Data to Effectively Evacuate and Aid Earthquake Survivors“, Research grant No. 2020295, Report 2.
  70. Doytsher Y., Assif S., 2016. “Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data”, Research grant No. 2019317, Report 7/8 – Final (in Hebrew).



Last Updated: January 25, 2024


Graduate Students

Completed Theses


  1. 1990, Maor B., Sc., "Establishing Criteria for Generalization of Cartographic Information", supervisors: Shmutter B., Doytsher Y.
  2. 1991, Zeidan J., Sc., "Topological Aspects of Topographic Data", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  3. 1993, Goffer D., Sc., "Digital Definition of Regional Impact Maps", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  4. 1995, Yaron J., Sc., "Evaluation of Techniques for Representing Altimetric Information on Maps for an Immediate Understanding of the Needed Data for Navigation Purposes", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  5. 1996, Gabay Y., Sc., "Relative Correlation of Geographic Information Layers", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  6. 1996, Filin S., Sc., "Accuracy of DTM Data Bases and of Derived Applications", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  7. 1997, Haklay M., A., "The Use of GIS for the Scoping of Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment", supervisors: Feitelson E., Doytsher Y., Dept. of Geography, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
  8. 1998, Benhamu M., Sc., "A Temporal Land Information System", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  9. 1998, Fradkin K., D., "Developing Procedures for Defining an Accurate Digital Cadastre", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  10. 1999, Coren I., Sc., "Cartographical Edge Matching of Digitized Vector Map Layers", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  11. 1999, Katzil Y., Sc., "The Contiguous Aspects of Terrain Databases", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  12. 1999, Barun A., Sc., "Generating Landuse Site Alternatives by Using a Geographical Information System", supervisor: Doytsher Y., Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion
  13. 2000, Gabbay M., Sc., "The Effect of Scale on Representation of Buildings in GIS Environment", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Gabay Y.
  14. 2000, Rabinovitch E., Sc., "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans", supervisors: Krupnik A., Doytsher Y.
  15. 2001, Nimre S., Sc., "An Alignment Process of Master Plans at Large Scale in a GIS Environment", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  16. 2001, Gavish Y., Sc., "Analytical Cadastre in Israel: Restoring Land Boundaries using Previous and Current Aerial Photographs”, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  17. 2001, Almog O., Sc., "Accuracy and Reliability of Transformations: Geometrical and Topological Aspects", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Steinberg G.
  18. 2002, Katz D., Sc., "Application of Scale Factor in Conformal Transverse Mercator Projections in Israel", supervisors: Adler R., Doytsher Y.
  19. 2002, Croitoru A., D., "Improvement of Updating Procedures in Geographic Databases", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  20. 2003, Altmann T., Sc., "A Model for Estimating the Potential of ‘Energy Towers’ in a GIS Environment", supervisors: Zaslavsky D., Gueta R., Doytsher Y., Carmel Y.
  21. 2003, Beit-Yaakov Y., Sc., "Integrating Multi-spectral Images and Aerial Photographs for Urban Change Detection", supervisors: Krupnik A., Doytsher Y.
  22. 2003, Abo Akel N., Sc., "Automatic Roads and Terrain Surface Extraction from LIDAR Data", supervisors: Zilberstein O., Doytsher Y.
  23. 2003, Lichtenstein , M.Sc., "Accuracy Analysis of DTMs Combined with Breaklines" supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  24. 2003, Akev A., Master (M.Sc./doctoral candidacy report), "Initial Orientation Parameters Setting for Linear Object Based Aerial Triangulation", direct transfer to the doctoral program, see #36, supervisors: Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y.
  25. 2003, Avrahami Y., Master (M.Sc./doctoral candidacy report), "Semi-Automatic Extraction of Buildings in a Digital Photogrammetry Environment", direct transfer to the doctoral program, see #32, supervisors: Doytsher Y., Raizman Y.
  26. 2004, Tzviyak D., Sc., "Cartographic Representation of the Statistical Census Data in GIS Environment", supervisors: Adler R., Doytsher Y.
  27. 2004, Topel L., D., "Multi-Scale Processing of Digital Images for Roads Detection", supervisors: Shoshany, Doytsher Y.
  28. 2004, Gabbay M., D., "Developing Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geographic Information", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  29. 2004, Shragai Z., Master (M.Sc./doctoral research proposal), "Linear Methods in Aerial Triangulation", direct transfer to the doctoral program – approved 11/04, see #45, supervisors: Zalmanson G., Doytsher Y.
  30. 2005, Itzhak E., D., "Analytical Generalization of Hydrology and Topography and their Cartographic Description", supervisors: Yoeli P., Doytsher Y., Dept. of Geography, Tel-Aviv University
  31. 2005, Gold S., Sc., "Image Processing Methods for Edge Detection & Symmetry Axes in Elongated Features from Medium Resolution Satellite Images", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Shoshany M.
  32. 2006, Avrahami Y., D., "Automation in Roof Extraction within a Digital Photogrammetric Environment", direct transfer to the doctoral program, supervisors: Doytsher Y., Raizman Y.
  33. 2007, Khoury S., Sc., "Investigation of Implementing an Earthmoving Automated Control Model in a Geographic Information System Environment", supervisors Navon R., Doytsher Y.
  34. 2007, Klebanov M., Master (M.Sc./doctoral research proposal), "Developing Method of Original Cadastral Material Processing as a Basis of Parcels Boundaries Reconstruction", direct transfer to the doctoral program – approved 07/07, see #47, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  35. 2007, Katzil Y., D., "Conflating & Merging of Digital Terrain Databases", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  36. 2008, Akev A., D. "Determination of Relative Orientation within Linear-Feature-Based Aerial Triangulation", direct transfer to the doctoral program, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  37. 2008, Keinan E., Sc., "Generating True Digital Orthophoto in Automatic Methods by Using LIDAR Data", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  38. 2008, Safra E., D., "Object Fusion in Geographic Information Systems", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  39. 2009, Joubran Abu Daud J., D., "A Mutual Combined Generalization of Spatial Data in a GIS Environment", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  40. 2010, Shnaidman A., Master, (M.Sc./doctoral research proposal) "Transformations Based on Cadastral Principles toward Analytical Cadastre", direct transfer to the doctoral program – approved 05/09, see #53, Supervisors: Doytsher Y., Shoshani U.
  41. 2010, Abo Akel N., D., "Automatic Building Extraction from LIDAR Data", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Filin S.
  42. 2010, Dalyot S., D., "Hierarchical Modeling and Integration of Topographical Databases: Algorithm Development and Geospatial Capabilities", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  43. 2011, Rybowski, M.Sc., "Mapping Linear Networks from Locations of Cellular Phones", Supervisors: Doytsher Y., Beller A.
  44. 2011, Galon B., Master, (M.Sc./doctoral research proposal) "Integrating Location Networks with Social Networks", direct transfer to the doctoral program – approved 01/11, see #58, supervisors: Kanza Y., Doytsher Y.
  45. 2011, Shragai Z., D., "Aerial Triangulation Algorithms in Modern Photogrammetric Applications", direct transfer to the doctoral program, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  46. 2011, Urinovski S., Sc., "Updating existing maps using GPS collected data", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Greenfeld J.
  47. 2011, Klebanov M., D., "Implementation of Nationwide Coordinated Cadastre on the Basis of Original Measurements Processing", direct transfer to the doctoral program, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  48. 2011, Becker L., Sc., "Map Matching Method in High Density Urban Road Networks", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Greenfeld J.
  49. 2012, Jammalieh N., Sc., "Digital Map Alignment for GIS Using Kinematic GPS Measurements", supervisors: Greenfeld J., Doytsher Y.
  50. 2012, Dolev N., Master, "Developing Models for Linear Features Based Aerial Triangulation", during the special doctoral program, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  51. 2012, Ben-Haim G., Master, "Accuracy Assessment of Topographic Databases: The ASTER data as a Case Study", direct transfer to the doctoral program – approved 11/12, see #59, supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  52. 2012, Shashkov A., Sc., "Developing Quantitative Model for a Three-Dimensional Visual Analysis in Urban Environment", supervisors: Fisher-Gewirtzman D., Doytsher Y.
  53. 2013, Bar O., Sc., "Non-Linear Transformations between Cartographic Maps: A Model for a Continuous Correction Surface", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  54. 2013, Mor M., Sc., "A Hierarchal Approach to Integrating Airborne LiDAR and 2D GIS for Creating 3D GIS", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  55. 2015, Irkhin D., Sc., "Quantitative Model for Three-Dimensional Analysis of Urban Environments Indicating on Qualitative Aspects", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Fisher-Gewirtzman D.
  56. 2015, Shnaidman A., D., "Improving the Graphical Cadastre Based on Genetic Algorithms", direct transfer to the doctoral program, Supervisors: Doytsher Y., Shoshani U.
  57. 2016, Ben-Haim G., D., "Local Accuracy Analysis of 3D Topographic Databases", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Dalyot S.
  58. 2016, Noskov A., D., "3D Generalization of Urban Environment", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  59. 2017, Gal O., D., "Urban Terrain Analysis for Trajectory Planning of Multi-Agents", supervisor: Doytsher Y.
  60. 2018, Galon B., D., "Managing Socio-Spatial Data", supervisors: Doytsher Y., Kanza Y.
  61. 2020, Sarid Y., D., "Israel Hybrid Geoid", supervisors: Dalyot S., Doytsher Y.
  62. 2021, Shriki Y., Sc., "Quadcopter Autonomous Landing on a Boat", supervisors: Doytsher Y, Gal O.
  63. 2022, Ruba Jaljolie, D., “Land Policy and Urbanization: Multi-Dimensional, Multi-purpose Land Management Systems”, supervisors: Doytsher Y., Dalyot S.

Theses in Progress

  1. 2026, Khalameizer A., D., “Prediction and routing of traffic in dense urban environment using remote sensing based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles”, supervisors: Bekhor S., Doytsher Y.

Research Grants

1993: Israeli Lands Administration, "Using GIS in the Process of Registration of Residential Buildings", PIs: B. Shmutter, Y. Doytsher

1996: The Survey of Israel, "Analytical Cadastre in Israel" (Phase A), PI: Y. Doytsher

1996: The Survey of Israel, "Using Digital Photogrammetry and Orthophoto for the Preparation of Registration Plans", PIs: Y. Doytsher, A. Krupnik

1997: The Survey of Israel, "Analytical Cadastre in Israel" (Phase B.1), PI: Y. Doytsher

1997: The Survey of Israel, "Multi-Layer 3D Cadastre", PI: Y. Doytsher

1998: Israeli Science Ministry, "An Integrated Spatial Database Generated from Distributed Geographic Information”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, Y. Gabay, J. Forrai

1998: The Survey of Israel, "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans”, PIs: A. Krupnik, Y. Doytsher

1999: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", PI: Y. Doytsher

1999:  Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (First Year), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher

2000: The Survey of Israel, "Restoring of Cadastral Land Boundaries by Using Photogrammetric Means for the Establishment of Analytical Cadastre in Israel", PI: Y. Doytsher

2000: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (First Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, Y. Gabay, J. Forrai

2001: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre" (Second Phase), PI: Y. Doytsher

2001: The Survey of Israel, "Integration of Multi Layer 3D Cadastral Information in a GIS Environment", PI: Y. Doytsher

2001: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (Second Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher Y.

2001: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (Second Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, J. Forrai

2002: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre" (Third Phase), PI: Y. Doytsher

2002: The Survey of Israel, "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", PIs: A. Beler, Y. Doytsher

2002: Image Information Technologies (Israeli Defense Ministry), “Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, M. Lindenbaum

2002: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (Third Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher

2003: German-Israeli Niedersachsen Fund, “Interpretation and Generalization of Dense Digital Terrain Models (DTM’s)”, for 3 years (2003-2005), PIs: Y. Doytsher, M. Sester

2003: The Survey of Israel, "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment" (Second Phase), PIs: A. Beler, Y. Doytsher Y.

2003: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (Third Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, J. Forrai

2003: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (Fourth Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher

2005: Image Information Technologies (Israeli Defense Ministry), “Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation”, PI: Y. Doytsher

2006: Ministry of Housing and Construction, "Development of tools for construction of regional stability maps for preliminary site designation in hilly area development regions", PIs: R. Baker, Y. Doytsher

2008: Ministry of Housing and Construction, "Development of tools for construction of regional stability maps for preliminary site designation in hilly area development regions" (second Phase), PIs: R. Baker, Y. Doytsher

2012: Umbrella Cooperation Program, "Managing and Analyzing Location History of Individuals and Crowds for Urban Planning", PIs: Y. Doytsher, Y. Kanza, T. Seidl

2013: Israeli Science Ministry, "Managing Social, Geospatial and Transportational Data to Effectively Evacuate and Aid Earthquake Survivors", PIs: S. Bekhor, S. Cohen, Y. Doytsher, Y. Kanza, Y. Sagiv

2013: The Survey of Israel, "Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data", PIs: Y. Doytsher, S. Asif

2013: The Survey of Israel, "Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher

2014: Israel (Ministry of Economy) & Greece (Science Ministry) Joint Research, "5DMuPLIS: 5D Multi-Purpose LIS", PIs (at the Technion): Y. Doytsher, S. Dalyot

2014: The Center of Science and Technology of Security, “Optimal Fusion of Height Topographic Models from Various Sources”, PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher

2015: RAFEL LTD., “Optimal Fusion of Topographic Datasets from Various Sources”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, S. Dalyot

2016: The Survey of Israel, “Establishing a National Undulation Model for Israel", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher

2016: The Survey of Israel, “Information System for Management of Multi-Dimensional Land Registration (Cadastre) (Height and Time)", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher