מיפוי ספרתי ופוטוגרמטריה
מערכות מידע גיאוגרפי
התאמה ומיזוג של בסיסי מידע ספרתיים דו ותלת-ממדיים
מודלים ספרתיים של פני הקרקע – DTM
קדסטר ומערכות לניהול מקרקעין
קדסטר תלת ממדי
Academic Degrees
B.Sc. – 1967 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, (Summa Cum Laude)
M.Sc. – 1973 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
D.Sc. – 1979 – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Academic Appointments
Since 1996
2014 – Technion – I.I.T., Professor Emeritus
2005 – 2014, Holder of the Abel Wolman Chair in Civil Engineering
2002 – 2014, Technion – I.I.T., Professor
1996 – 2002, Technion – I.I.T., Associate Professor
Until 1995 (Simultaneously with Professional Activities in the Israeli Industry)
1989 – 1995, Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct Senior Teaching Fellow (equivalent to “Adjunct Associate Professor”)
1983 – 1989, Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct B (equivalent to “Adjunct Senior Lecturer”)
1981 – 1983, Technion – I.I.T., Adjunct C (equivalent to “Adjunct Lecturer”)
1979 – 1981, Technion – I.I.T., Lecturer
1975 – 1979, Technion – I.I.T., Instructor
02-05/2011, Visiting Professor, School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
06-09/2011, Visiting Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Department, University College London (UCL), London, UK
08-09/2012, Visiting Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science Department, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA
08/2013, Visiting Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ, USA
09/2013, Visiting Professor, Rural & Surveying Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
04-6/2014, Visiting Scholar, Department Geography and Human Environment, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
07-9/2014, Visiting Scholar, Geomatics Engineering Department, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1967 – 1971, Mapping Unit of the Israeli Army; Geodesist.
Main tasks: Software development in the fields of Plane and Geodetic Surveying, Cartography.
1971 – 1973, Israeli Survey Department; Head of Computing Section.
Main tasks: Supervision of computational activities in plane and geodetic surveying; Development of new techniques in these fields; System Engineer of the Automation System.
1973 – 1975, Israeli Survey Department; Head of Automation and Computation Division
Main tasks: Developing software systems for plane and geodetic surveying, and automation to cadastral survey; Geodetic aspects of the first order network established for special military purposes; Developing software for top classified projects (for IDF).
1976 – 1982, Complot International, Tel Aviv, Israel; Professional Manager.
Main tasks: Creating integrated automatic systems for: surveying, highway design, cadastral and town planning; Developing geo-referenced urban databases; Supervising and technical management of the firm’s activities.
1983 – 1987, Mehish Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel; Senior Scientific Consultant.
Main tasks: Managing all geodetic and technical activities; Responsibility for all R&D projects; Implementing: Analytical Photogrammetry, Databases for topographic mapping; DTMs for automated mapping and highway design; Automated cadastral survey.
1988 – 1995, Malam Systems, Jerusalem, Israel; Mapping Consultant and GIS Manager.
Main tasks: Professional supervision of all activities in geodesy, digital mapping and GIS; Managing of geodetic projects; Examination/evaluation/development of GIS/LIS/AM/FM projects; Elaborating digital mapping projects; Managing a multi-layer wide range GIS project.
1976 – 1995, Consultant to Public Agencies and Private Firms.
Main tasks: Consulting to several private firms and public organizations (such as Israeli Armed Forces, Israeli Survey Department) in the fields of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Computer Graphics, Automated Mapping and GIS.
Technion – I.I.T. – Faculty of Civil & Environmental Eng., (1975 – present)
Technion – I.I.T. – Initiation of New Courses
October 2001 – Initiation of new and updated courses and syllabi of the Geodetic Engineering division: New two tracks (Surveying and Geodesy; Digital Mapping and GIS). The 30 new courses replaced more than 90% of the previous (until September 2001) courses and syllabi.
December 2003 – Initiation of new and updated graduate program – courses and syllabi of the Mapping and Geo-Information Engineering track. The 21 new courses are more than 80% of the new (since October 2004) graduate courses and syllabi.
November 2005 – Initiation of new graduate program (together with R. Alterman) – courses and syllabi of Master of Real Estate (MRE) track. The 6 new courses, together with 11 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new program.
January 2012 – Initiation of new graduate program (together with R. Alterman & A. Frankel) – courses and syllabi of Master of Urban Engineering (MUE) track. The 4 new courses, together with 17 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new program.
March 2013 – Initiation of updated courses and syllabi of the Mapping and Geo-Information Engineering program: A new track on Cadastre and Land Management. The 5 new courses, together with 3 existing courses at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty and the Architecture and Town Planning Faculty, are the components of the new track.
Tel Aviv University – Department of Geography, (1973 – 1985)
Bar-Ilan University – Department of Geography, (1973 – 1976)
1996 – 2002, Head of the Geodetic Engineering Division, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
1997 – 2000, Responsible for the Digital Mapping Project of the Technion.
1997 – 2001, Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
1998 – 2006, Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
1999 – 2014, Head of the Geodesy and Mapping Research Center, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
2000 – 2002, Member of the Academic Development Committee, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
2001, Deputy Dean in charge of Undergraduate Students (and head of the Undergraduate Studies Committee) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
2002 – 2014, Appointments and Promotions Committee ("Faculty Preparatory Committee" – ex officio as professor), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
2002 – 2006, Head of the Geodetic Engineering Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
2002 – 2006, Head of the Transportation and Geo-Information Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
2003 – 2006, Member of the Senate Preparatory Committee (for promotion and new appointments).
2004 – 2006, Member of the Academic Council of the Unit for Continuing Education and External Studies.
2004 – 2006, Member of the Degrees Committee of the Technion Graduate School.
2006 – 2012, Member of the Technion Master of Engineering (ME) interdepartmental committee.
2006 – 2010, Member of the developing and teleprocessing steering committee.
2006 – 2010, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.
2006 – 2010, Chair, Appointments and Promotions Committee ("Faculty Preparatory Committee" – ex officio as professor and Dean), Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.
2008 – 2025, Member of the Technion interdepartmental committee on Real-Estate Studies.
2010 – 2014, Member, Appointments and Promotions Ad-Hoc Professorship Committee, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning.
2012 – 2021, Chair, Technion interdepartmental committee on Real-Estate Studies.
2012 – 2023, Member of the Technion interdepartmental committee on Urban Engineering.
2012 – 2021, Chair, Technion interdepartmental committee on Urban Engineering.
1995 – 1998, Member, Committee for renewing the Israeli surveying regulations.
1995 – 1999, Member of the Israeli Council for Mapping (guiding the governmental mapping policy in Israel).
1996 – present, Representative of Israel to Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
1998 – 2008, Representative of Israel to Commission 6 (Education and Communication) of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
1998 – 2002, Co-Chair, Working Group 3/1 (Technical Aspects of Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
2002 – 2006, Co-Chair, Working Group on 3D Cadastre – Inter-Commission activity of Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) and Commission 7 (Cadastre) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
2002 – 2004, Member of the Governmental steering committee, 3D Cadastre in Israel.
2005, Member of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Award committee.
2005 – 2010, Member of the Council for Mapping at the Survey of Israel (guiding the governmental mapping policy in Israel).
2005 – 2010, Member of the Advisory Committee in Geodesy and Cadastre to the Director General of the Survey of Israel (guiding the governmental Geodetic and Cadastral policy in Israel).
2008 – 2010, Chair Elect, Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
2011 – 2014, Chair, Commission 3 (Spatial Information Management) of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
2011 – 2025, President, Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel.
2013-2014, Member (ACCO Representative), Council of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
2015-2017, Chair, Task Force on “Establishment of a FIG peer-review scientific Journal”, the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
1965 – Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.
1966 – Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.
1966 – The Charles Clore Prize for excellent achievements in academic studies (Israeli universities level competition).
1967 – Technion, Technion President's list of distinguished students.
1967 – Technion, a Summa Cum Laude graduation (B.Sc. in Civil Engineering).
1972 – Kaplan Award (as a member of a team) for development and efficiency in the field of automation in the Israel Survey Department (currently – Survey of Israel).
1993 – Technion, Excellence in Teaching Award (Distinguished Technion Lecturer).
2004 – Talbert Abrams Grand Award, The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS – American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), for the most outstanding paper of the year.
2006 – The CadCorp Prize for Best Research presented at the GISRUK'2006 Conference. The award is given by the GISRUK steering committee and is sponsored by a British GIS company.
2006 – Second Best Paper, ISPRS Commission IV Symposium on "Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development", September 2006, Goa, India.
2010 – Paper of the month (March 2010), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – presented also at Commission 3 Keynote Session: SIM in Support of Mega City Management, April 2010.
2010 – Talbert-Abrams best paper award, second prize, The Imaging and Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS – American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), for the most outstanding papers of the year.
2012 – Best Paper, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2012, January – February 2012.
2012 – Paper of the month (April 2012), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) –presented at 3D Principles and Technology session: Spatial 3D Analysis of Built-up Areas, May 2010.
2013 – Best Paper, The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2013, February-March 2013.
2013 – IARIA Fellow, the International Academy, Research and Industry Association.
2014 – Best Paper, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2014, March 2014.
2014 – Second Best Paper, International Conference on "Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM", November 2014, Bologna, Italy.
2014 – Paper of the month (December 2014), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – presented at Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM": “A Quantitative Geo-Evaluation of Crowdsourcing and Wisdom of the Crowd”.
2015 – Best Paper, The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2015, March 2015.
2015 – Best Paper, Joint Workshop FIG Commission 3 & Commission 7 on "Crowdsourcing of Land Information, November 2015.
2016 – Best Paper, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2016, April 2016.
2016 – Best Paper, FIG Commission 3 Annual Workshop on "From Volume to Quality: Bridging the Gap for Spatial Data Infrastructure", November 2016.
2017 – Best Paper, The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2017, March 2017.
2017 – FIG Honorary Member, the International Federation of Surveyors, May/June 2017.
2018 – Best Paper, The tenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2018, March 2018.
2019 – Best Paper, the ninth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation, INFOCOMP 2019, March 2019.
2021 – Best Paper, the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, July 2021.
2022 – Best Paper, the Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, June 2022.
2023 – Best Paper, the Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, April 2023.
Chapters in Books
Guest Editor
Refereed Papers in Professional Journals
Fully Refereed Publications
Papers in Conference Proceedings (with Referees)
Papers in Local Conference Proceedings
Research Reports
Last Updated: January 25, 2024
Graduate Students
Research Grants
1993: Israeli Lands Administration, "Using GIS in the Process of Registration of Residential Buildings", PIs: B. Shmutter, Y. Doytsher
1996: The Survey of Israel, "Analytical Cadastre in Israel" (Phase A), PI: Y. Doytsher
1996: The Survey of Israel, "Using Digital Photogrammetry and Orthophoto for the Preparation of Registration Plans", PIs: Y. Doytsher, A. Krupnik
1997: The Survey of Israel, "Analytical Cadastre in Israel" (Phase B.1), PI: Y. Doytsher
1997: The Survey of Israel, "Multi-Layer 3D Cadastre", PI: Y. Doytsher
1998: Israeli Science Ministry, "An Integrated Spatial Database Generated from Distributed Geographic Information”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, Y. Gabay, J. Forrai
1998: The Survey of Israel, "Using Orthophoto for Preparation and Reviewing of Registration Plans”, PIs: A. Krupnik, Y. Doytsher
1999: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre", PI: Y. Doytsher
1999: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (First Year), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher
2000: The Survey of Israel, "Restoring of Cadastral Land Boundaries by Using Photogrammetric Means for the Establishment of Analytical Cadastre in Israel", PI: Y. Doytsher
2000: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (First Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, Y. Gabay, J. Forrai
2001: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre" (Second Phase), PI: Y. Doytsher
2001: The Survey of Israel, "Integration of Multi Layer 3D Cadastral Information in a GIS Environment", PI: Y. Doytsher
2001: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (Second Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher Y.
2001: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (Second Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, A. Krupnik, J. Forrai
2002: The Survey of Israel, "Incorporating Authentic Measurements in the Process of Establishing an Analytical Cadastre" (Third Phase), PI: Y. Doytsher
2002: The Survey of Israel, "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment", PIs: A. Beler, Y. Doytsher
2002: Image Information Technologies (Israeli Defense Ministry), “Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, M. Lindenbaum
2002: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (sub topic: “Procedures for an Automatic Conflation between Vectorial Datasets of Geospatial Information”) (Third Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher
2003: German-Israeli Niedersachsen Fund, “Interpretation and Generalization of Dense Digital Terrain Models (DTM’s)”, for 3 years (2003-2005), PIs: Y. Doytsher, M. Sester
2003: The Survey of Israel, "Aspects of Spatial Topology for Establishing a 3D Cadastre in a GIS Environment" (Second Phase), PIs: A. Beler, Y. Doytsher Y.
2003: Israeli Science Ministry, "Integration of Distributed Geographic Information” (Third Year), PIs: Y. Doytsher, C. Beeri, J. Forrai
2003: Israeli Defense Ministry, "Multispectral Sensors and GIS Integration for Change Detection and Change Identification" (Fourth Phase), PIs: M. Shoshany, Y. Doytsher
2005: Image Information Technologies (Israeli Defense Ministry), “Toward Automation of Object Based Aerotriangulation”, PI: Y. Doytsher
2006: Ministry of Housing and Construction, "Development of tools for construction of regional stability maps for preliminary site designation in hilly area development regions", PIs: R. Baker, Y. Doytsher
2008: Ministry of Housing and Construction, "Development of tools for construction of regional stability maps for preliminary site designation in hilly area development regions" (second Phase), PIs: R. Baker, Y. Doytsher
2012: Umbrella Cooperation Program, "Managing and Analyzing Location History of Individuals and Crowds for Urban Planning", PIs: Y. Doytsher, Y. Kanza, T. Seidl
2013: Israeli Science Ministry, "Managing Social, Geospatial and Transportational Data to Effectively Evacuate and Aid Earthquake Survivors", PIs: S. Bekhor, S. Cohen, Y. Doytsher, Y. Kanza, Y. Sagiv
2013: The Survey of Israel, "Development of Intelligent Integration Processes of Cadastral Information with Statutory Planning Data", PIs: Y. Doytsher, S. Asif
2013: The Survey of Israel, "Formation of Hybrid Geoid Undulation Model in Israel", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher
2014: Israel (Ministry of Economy) & Greece (Science Ministry) Joint Research, "5DMuPLIS: 5D Multi-Purpose LIS", PIs (at the Technion): Y. Doytsher, S. Dalyot
2014: The Center of Science and Technology of Security, “Optimal Fusion of Height Topographic Models from Various Sources”, PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher
2015: RAFEL LTD., “Optimal Fusion of Topographic Datasets from Various Sources”, PIs: Y. Doytsher, S. Dalyot
2016: The Survey of Israel, “Establishing a National Undulation Model for Israel", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher
2016: The Survey of Israel, “Information System for Management of Multi-Dimensional Land Registration (Cadastre) (Height and Time)", PIs: S. Dalyot, Y. Doytsher