
קונסטנטין וולך

, פרופ'





  1. Lahiri S, Volokh KY (2024) Transition from laminar to turbulent pipe flow as a process of growing material instabilities. Results in Engineering 23:102535 [pdf]
  2. Goswami M, Gupta P, Lev Y, Chattopadhyay S, Volokh KY (2024) Multiaxial failure of dual-phase elastomeric composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 312:110625 [pdf]
  3. Ahmad D, Parancheerivilakkathil MS, Kumar A, Goswami M, Ajaj RM, Patra K, Jawaid M, Volokh KY, Zweiri Y (2024) Recent developments of polymer-based skins for morphing wing applications. Polymer Testing 135:108463 [pdf]
  4. Abu-Qbeitah S, Jabareen M, Volokh KY (2024) On strength and toughness of soft staggered composites. Mechanics of Materials 191:104935 [pdf]
  5. Abu-Qbeitah S, Jabareen M, Volokh KY (2024) Modeling cracks in viscoelastic materials at finite strains. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering e7398 [pdf]
  6. Lahiri S, Volokh KY (2023) Drag reduction via polymer solute: 3D numerical simulations of pipe flow. Acta Mechanica 234:4523-4533 [pdf]
  7. Perchikov N, Aboudi J, Volokh KY (2023) Finite strain HFGMC analysis of mechanical damage evolution in nonlinear periodic composite materials. Archive of Applied Mechanics 93:4361-4386 [pdf]
  8. Abu-Qbeitah S, Jabareen M, Volokh KY (2023) Quasi-static crack propagation in soft materials using the material-sink theory. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 248:108160 [pdf]
  9. Abu-Qbeitah S, Jabareen M, Volokh KY (2022) Dynamic versus quasi-static analysis of crack propagation in soft materials.  Journal of Applied Mechanics 89:121008 [pdf]
  10. Volokh KY (2022) Modeling failure and fracture in soft biological tissues. In: Solid (Bio)mechanics: Challenges of the Next Decade, Springer, 391- 406 [pdf]
  11. Volokh KY (2022) Discussion of “Localized characterization of brain tissue mechanical properties by needle induced cavitation rheology and volume-controlled cavity expansion”. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 126:104570 [pdf]
  12. Elishakoff I, Volokh KY (2021) Centenary of two pioneering theories in mechanics. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 26:1896-1904 [pdf]
  13. Volokh KY (2021) Direct Eulerian formulation of anisotropic hyperelasticity. Journal of Applied Mechanics 88:024502 [pdf]
  14. Volokh KY (2021) New approaches to modeling failure and fracture of rubberlike materials. In: Advances in Polymer Science. Springer [pdf]
  15. Aboudi J, Volokh KY (2020) Modeling deformation and failure of viscoelastic composites at finite strains. Mechanics of Soft Materials 2:12 [pdf]
  16. Mythravaruni P, Volokh KY (2020) Residual stresses reduce pulse wave velocity in arteries. Mechanics of Soft Materials 2:7 [pdf]
  17. Mythravaruni P, Volokh KY (2020) On the onset of cracks in arteries. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 17:1-17 [pdf]
  18. Faye A, Lev Y, Volokh KY (2019) The effect of local inertia around the crack tip in dynamic fracture of soft materials. Mechanics of Soft Materials 1:4 [pdf]
  19. Mythravaruni P, Volokh KY (2019) On incompressibility constraint and crack direction in soft solids. Journal of Applied Mechanics 86:101004 [pdf]
  20. Volokh KY (2019) Constitutive model of human artery adventitia enhanced with a failure description. Mechanics of Soft Materials 1:8 [pdf]
  21. Lev Y, Faye A, Volokh KY (2019) Thermoelastic deformation and failure of rubberlike materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 122:538-554 [pdf]
  22. Mythravaruni P, Volokh KY (2018) Failure of rubber bearings under combined shear and compression. Journal of Applied Mechanics 85:074503 [pdf]
  23. Lev Y, Faye A, Volokh KY (2018) Experimental study of the effect of temperature on strength and extensibility of rubberlike materials. Experimental Mechanics 58:847-858 [pdf]
  24. Volokh KY (2018) An explanation of the drag reduction via polymer solute. Acta Mechanica 229:4295-4301 [pdf]
  25. Volokh KY (2017) On arterial fiber dispersion and auxetic effect. Journal of Biomechanics 61:123-130 [pdf]
  26. Slesarenko V, Volokh KY, Aboudi J, Rudykh S (2017) Understanding the strength of bioinspired soft composites. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131-132:171-178 [pdf]
  27. Volokh KY (2017) Fracture as a material sink. Materials Theory 1:3 [pdf]
  28. Faye A, Rodríguez-Martínez JA, Volokh KY (2017) Spherical void expansion in rubber-like materials: the stabilizing effects of viscosity and inertia. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 92:118-126 [pdf]
  29. Volokh KY (2017) Loss of ellipticity in elasticity with energy limiters. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 63:36-42 [pdf]
  30. Aranda-Iglesias D, Vadillo G, Rodríguez-Martínez JA, Volokh KY (2017) Modeling deformation and failure of elastomers at high strain rates. Mechanics of Materials 104:85-92 [pdf]
  31. Lev Y, Volokh KY (2016) On cavitation in rubberlike materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics 83:044501 [pdf]
  32. Volokh KY, Aboudi J (2016) Aneurysm strength can decrease under calcification. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 57:164-174 [pdf]
  33. Volokh KY (2015) Cavitation instability as a trigger of aneurysm rupture. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 14:1071-1079 [pdf]
  34. Volokh KY (2015) Non-linear thermoelasticity with energy limiters. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 76:169-175. Corrigendum (2016) 86:7-7 [pdf]
  35. Volokh KY (2015) Thrombus rupture via cavitation. Journal of Biomechanics 48:2186-2188 [pdf]
  36. Aboudi J, Volokh KY (2015) Failure prediction of unidirectional composites undergoing large deformations. Journal of Applied Mechanics 82:071004 [pdf]
  37. Volokh KY (2015) Modeling aneurysm growth and failure. Procedia IUTAM 12:204-210 [pdf]
  38. Volokh KY (2014) On irreversibility and dissipation in hyperelasticity with softening. Journal of Applied Mechanics 81:074501 [pdf]
  39. Balakhovsky K, Jabareen M, Volokh KY (2014) Modeling rupture of growing aneurysms. Journal of Biomechanics 43:653-658 [pdf]
  40. Volokh KY (2013) Navier-Stokes model with viscous strength. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 92:87-101 [pdf]
  41. Volokh KY (2013) Characteristic length of damage localization in concrete. Mechanics Research Communications 51:29-31 [pdf]
  42. Volokh KY (2013) Challenge of biomechanics. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 10:107-135 [pdf]
  43. Tuleubekov K, Volokh KY, Mogilevskaya SG, Stolarski H (2013) Strength of graphene in biaxial tension. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 39:291-297 [pdf]
  44. Volokh KY (2013) An approach to elastoplasticity at large deformations. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 39:153-162 [pdf]
  45. Volokh KY (2013) Review of the energy limiters approach to modeling failure of rubber. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 86:470-487 [pdf]
  46. Balakhovsky K, Volokh KY (2012) Inflation and rupture of rubber membrane. International Journal of Fracture 177:179-190 [pdf]
  47. Volokh KY (2012) Characteristic length of damage localization in steel. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 94:85-86 [pdf]
  48. Volokh KY (2012) On the strength of graphene. Journal of Applied Mechanics 79:064501 [pdf]
  49. Volokh KY (2012) On diffusion through soft filter. Journal of Applied Mechanics 79:064503 [pdf]
  50. Volokh KY (2012) On electromechanical coupling in elastomers. Journal of Applied Mechanics 79:044507 [pdf]
  51. Volokh KY (2011) On tensegrity in cell mechanics. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 8:195-214 [pdf]
  52. Volokh KY (2011) Cavitation instability in rubber. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 3:29311 [pdf]
  53. Volokh KY (2011) Modeling failure of soft anisotropic materials with application to arteries. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 4:1582-1594 [pdf]
  54. Volokh KY (2011) Characteristic length of damage localization in rubber. International Journal of Fracture 168:113-116 [pdf]
  55. Volokh KY (2010) On modeling failure of rubberlike materials. Mechanics Research Communications 37:684-689 [pdf]
  56. Trapper P, Volokh KY (2010) Elasticity with energy limiters for modeling dynamic failure propagation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 47:3389-3396 [pdf]
  57. Volokh KY (2010) Comparison of biomechanical failure criteria for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics 43:2032-2034 [pdf]
  58. Trapper P, Volokh KY (2010) Modeling dynamic failure in rubber. International Journal of Fracture 162:245-253 [pdf]
  59. Chernin L, Val DV, Volokh KY (2010) Analytical modeling of concrete cover cracking caused by corrosion of reinforcement. Materials and Structures 43:543-565 [pdf]
  60. Chao EYS, Volokh KY, Yoshida H, Shiba N, Ide T (2010) Discrete element analysis in musculoskeletal biomechanics. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 7:175-192 [pdf]
  61. Trapper P, Volokh KY (2009) On fracture initiation toughness and crack sharpness for Mode II cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76:1255-1267 [pdf]
  62. Volokh KY (2009) An investigation into the stability of a shear thinning fluid. International Journal of Engineering Science 47:740-743 [pdf]
  63. Volokh KY (2008) Multiscale modeling of material failure: From atomic bonds to elasticity with energy limiters. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 6:393-410 [pdf]
  64. Volokh KY, Trapper P (2008) Softening hyperviscoelsticity for modeling rate-dependent material failure. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 3:1695-1707 [pdf]
  65. Trapper P, Volokh KY (2008) Cracks in rubber. International Journal of Solids and Structures 45:6034-6044 [pdf]
  66. Volokh KY, Vorp DA (2008) A model of growth and rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics 41:1015-1021 [pdf]
  67. Volokh KY, Trapper P (2008) Fracture toughness from the standpoint of softening hyperelasticity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56:2459-2472 [pdf]
  68. Volokh KY (2008) Prediction of arterial failure based on a microstructural bi-layer fiber-matrix model with softening. Journal of Biomechanics 41:447-453 [pdf]
  69. Volokh KY (2008) Fung’s model of arterial wall enhanced with a failure description. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 5:207-216 [pdf]
  70. Volokh KY (2007) Hyperelasticity with softening for modeling materials failure. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 55:2237-2264 [pdf]
  71. Volokh KY, Trapper P (2007) A simple theory of strain gradient plasticity based on stress-induced anisotropy of defect diffusion. International Journal of Plasticity 23:2085-2114 [pdf]
  72. Volokh KY (2007) Softening hyperelasticity for modeling material failure: analysis of cavitation in hydrostatic tension. International Journal of Solids and Structures 44:5043-5055 [pdf]
  73. Volokh KY, Chao EYS, Armand M (2007) On foundations of discrete element analysis of contact in diarthrodial joints. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 4:67-74 [pdf]
  74. Volokh KY, Ramesh KT (2006) An approach to multi-body interactions in a continuum-atomistic context: application to analysis of tension instability in carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Solids and Structures 43:7609-7627 [pdf]
  75. Volokh KY (2006) Stresses in growing soft tissues. Acta Biomaterialia 2:493-504 [pdf]
  76. Volokh KY (2006) Lagrangian equilibrium equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Computers, Materials and Continua 3:37-42 [pdf]
  77. Volokh KY, Yoshida H, Leali A, Fetto JF, Chao EYS (2006) Prediction of femoral head collapse in osteonecrosis. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 128:467-470 [pdf]
  78. Volokh KY (2006) Tissue morphogenesis: a surface buckling mechanism. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50:359-365 [pdf]
  79. Volokh KY (2006) Compressibility of arterial wall in ring-cutting experiments. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 3:35-42 [pdf]
  80. Volokh KY, Gao H (2005) On the modified virtual internal bond method. Journal of Applied Mechanics 72:969-971 [pdf]
  81. Volokh KY (2005) On Eulerian constitutive equations for modeling growth and residual stresses in arteries. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 2:77-86 [pdf]
  82. Volokh KY, Lev Y (2005) Growth, anisotropy, and residual stresses in arteries. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 2:27-40 [pdf]
  83. Volokh KY (2004) A simple phenomenological theory of tissue growth. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 1:147-160 [pdf]
  84. Volokh KY (2004) Mathematical framework for modeling tissue growth. Biorheology 41:263-269 [pdf]
  85. Chernin L, Volokh KY (2004) Simulation of thin film delamination under thermal loading. Computers, Materials and Continua 1:259-274 [pdf]
  86. Volokh KY (2004) Comments on linear stress-strain relations in nonlinear elasticity. Acta Mechanica 171:241-245 [pdf]
  87. Volokh KY (2004) Comparison between cohesive zone models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 20:845-856 [pdf]
  88. Volokh KY (2004) Nonlinear elasticity for modeling fracture of isotropic brittle solids. Journal of Applied Mechanics 71:141-143 [pdf]
  89. Volokh KY (2003) Cytoskeletal architecture and mechanical behavior of living cells. Biorheology 40:213-220 [pdf]
  90. Volokh KY (2003) Stability conjecture in the theory of tensegrity structures. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 3:1-16 [pdf]
  91. Volokh KY, Vilnay O, Averbuh I (2003) Dynamics of cable structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 129:175-180 [pdf]
  92. Volokh KY, Vilnay O, Belsky M (2002) Cell cytoskeleton and tensegrity. Biorheology 39:63-67 [pdf]
  93. Volokh KY, Hutchinson JW (2002) Are lower order gradient theories of plasticity really lower order? Journal of Applied Mechanics 69:862-864 [pdf]
  94. Volokh KY, Needleman A (2002) Buckling of sandwich beams with compliant interfaces. Computers and Structures 80:1329-1335 [pdf]
  95. Volokh KY (2002) On foundations of the Hardy Cross method. International Journal of Solids and Structures 39:4197-4200 [pdf]
  96. Volokh KY (2001) Nonlinear analysis of pin-jointed assemblies with buckling and unilateral members. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 2:389-400 [pdf]
  97. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (2001) On the prediction of geometrical nonlinearity of slender structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 17:19-29 [pdf]
  98. Volokh KY, Vilnay O, Belsky M (2000) Tensegrity architecture explains linear stiffening and predicts softening of living cells. Journal of Biomechanics 33:1543-1549 [pdf]
  99. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (2000) Pinpointing solution of ill-conditioned square systems of linear equations. Applied Mathematics Letters 13:119-124 [pdf]
  100. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (2000) Plane frames as semi-underconstrained systems. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42:1119-1134 [pdf]
  101. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (2000) Why pre-tensioning stiffens cable systems. International Journal of Solids and Structures 37:1809-1816 [pdf]
  102. Volokh KY (1999) Nonlinear analysis of underconstrained structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 36:2175-2187 [pdf]
  103. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (1997) Different features of a stability problem of underconstrained structures. Journal of Applied Mechanics 64:923-928 [pdf]
  104. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (1997) New classes of reticulated underconstrained structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 34:1093-1105 [pdf]
  105. Volokh KY, Vilnay O (1997) ”Natural”, “kinematic” and “elastic” displacements of underconstrained structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 34:911-930 [pdf]
  106. Volokh KY (1994) On the classical theory of plates. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 58:1101-1110 [pdf]
  107. Volokh KY (1992) Regular asymptotic methods in calculations of three-layer plates. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 56:631-635 [pdf]